ELECTRON Download ElectronElectron is symmetrical mid range/close quarters map. The map has an outlying path in the shape of a square, which connects to a central circular hall. The map layout itself is fairly simple, but it allows for fun games. Shield doors block the entranceway to the main hall, but they are slightly elevated to allow grenades to pass below them. At each far corner of the map you will find a cyclopean-like wall labeled by color to help players differentiate which side of the map they're on. All of the weapons on the map are covenant and fit the overall theme of the map. (More details and pics to come tomorrow) I try to make all of my maps individually unique, and I had yet to build an enclosed map. The layout is very simple, but it was intended to be. Maps with simple, intuitive layouts tend to be fun and versatile and I believe I achieved my goal. It may not "wow" a player initially like some of my previous maps, but this map is more geared towards gameplay. With the simple layout I was able to add tons of small aesthetic touches throughout the map. I tried avoiding straight flat walls as much as I could, even on ceilings, so the map certainly doesn't have that bland foundry feel like the default setup. It won't feel like you are in foundry when you're playing. Recommended amount of players: 4-8 Gametypes spported: Slayer Capture the Flag Oddball King of the Hill (turn starting grenades off) Assault Download Electron
Hmmm... don't really know what to say. I'm happy to see you have posted another map but... there seems to be something missing. Maybe the map is just small but I can't really get alot from the pictures..... The interlocking and forging all around appear nice but I still wish you had some more screens... oh well.
I like the map. The shield door electrode thing give a great feel to the map and the two levels give a good atmosphere. The interlocking is really nice too 5/5 someone got the 1st post before me :[ (We also do need somewhere to download it from...thanks)
You shouldnt care, it doesnt matter when you post. The map looks really good, I love the electric like aesthetic strutcure. It does looks breaka.... never mind, after another look at the screens this map appears to be in escapable. I like the choice of weapons, human power weapons seem to be used a little less recently. But I'd like to know the weapon respawn, clips etc.
Great fun when we played it. I really hope you got the spawns fixed. I also LOVE the feel. The weapons, equipment, and just the rest of the map give me the feel of... well... I don't know how to explain it, but definitely good!
I loved this map. Like what's-his-face said, this is probably the only map where hammers, needlers, and shield doors work perfectly. However, I'm wondering on whether or not you fixed that spawning issues, as well as that whole 'gravity hammer spawning where the neutral bomb does. Regardless, I had a lot of fun with you testing this map, and I look forward to this updated version.
I still have the neutral bomb spawn under the hammer, but the spawn issues were fixed. I added spawn areas to all of the gametypes where possible. There isn't much I can do with the neutral bomb spawn point and the hammer spawn being in one location. It's a minor inconvenience, but I don't think it harms gameplay too much.
You couldn't have put it on an elevated platform above the bomb spawn or anything? Did you run out of items?
It looks good and the doors under the grenades under the door are good but i think it is too small for KOTH.
I'm going to review this tonight, for the Review Hub ... so i'll post a full reply with detailed stuff then. Nice to see you making a new map, DTL, it looks excellently put together.
I like how everything leads to a central location..Great job with the interlocking...i also like the fact that you set up the shield doors so that grenades can pass below to eliminate any camping issues...great job...keep on forgin!!!
Really cool asthetics. I like the way you put the man cannons base and the active camo like that. This map doesn't look SPECTACULAR for gameplay, however; it is definitely worth a DL.
I didn't think this was such a good forgers map at first, until I saw your sig at the bottom. It doesn't aesthetically stand out to me, like end of the line did. I wonder how gameplay is, it better be good for the lack of surprises in the map. maybe it has something to do with not enough screens...
Not only does this map loon very good but it plays very well. Never has the needler and deployable cover worked so well in a map that get originality just for the weapon set and thinking outside the box. The layout is symmetrical and simple and the center room looks stunning if you have time to look up at the beautiful center piece high above the fighting area