AsinineDefiler submitted a new map: Golf World Adventure 2: Subterranean Caves - After escaping the lab, continue trekking through the caves. Defeat the vile creatures of the deep! Read more about this map...
AsinineDefiler updated Golf World Adventure 2: Subterranean Caves with a new update entry: Golf World Adventure 2: Subterranean Caves Read the rest of this update entry...
Thanks to ahbleza, the next level: Golf World Adventure 3: Rickety Mine had already been unlocked when this was posted on the old forum. He was the first to complete and notify me of his completion of Golf World Adventure 2: Subterranean Caves. The link is: As always, if you have completed this map, feel free to post your theater file to your file share and let me know. I always look at them to identify flaws and fix maps. Golf World Adventure 3: Rickety Mine has not been seen by anyone yet. Look for it over the next few days!