Keep Dominion Alive

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by RegrettedKarma6, Sep 15, 2013.

  1. RegrettedKarma6

    RegrettedKarma6 Recruit
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    Hey guys, as you know Dominion is being removed from its place as a regular playlist in Halo 4. 343 are proposing that it be put into a rotational playlist that would last two weeks every few months. Dominion is one of the defining gametypes of Halo 4 and it being a rotational playlist would not do it justice whatsoever.

    My proposition is that Dominion is merged into a 6 v 6 Squad playlist alongside extraction and koth or maybe even conversion. There are going to 5 consolidated 4 v 4 slayer playlists yet 343 has not made any room for a single 6 v 6 playlist. Merging these gametypes into one squad playlist will allow the playlist population to be bolstered and for dominion to thrive.

    Dominion does not deserve to be reserved for a rotational playlist or to be merged into BTB. Both of these options will forever eliminate the possibility of forge maps being playlist integrated which would be a huge blow for dominion forgers and players.

    Please bump this thread over on Halo Waypoint with feedback on the idea of a squad playlist in Halo 4.
    If you enjoy Dominion, or even don't but see its merit. Please comment on the waypoint feedback thread.
    Dominion Feedback
    #1 RegrettedKarma6, Sep 15, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2013
  2. ChronoTempest

    ChronoTempest Senior Member
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    I think Dominion is one of H4's strong points, so I wouldn't mind seeing it remain consistently playable. Would have been nice if more people enjoyed it from the start.
    MrGreenWithAGun likes this.
  3. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
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    Dominion has been my favorite gametype in Halo 4 since i picked it up. I would hate to see it go from being a playlist by itself, to a rotational playlist, however integrating it into the formentioned playlist seems like a good comprimise. Maybe even a better objective playlist, with dominion, CTF, conversion, and KOTH.
    Also, i think community made maps are a necessity at this point as long as they are not poorly made maps.
  4. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
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    I'm not too big of a fan of Dominion in MM because of the awful way it was set up (weapons spawn at the bases, bases are easy to camp with shotguns and plasmas, free overshields if you are bad and lose every base, and broken customs options to fix the aforementioned), but I wouldn't mind seeing Dominion come back somewhere. Perhaps into the BTB playlist.. but considering the team at 343 has been doing a lot of analytic stuff I'm guessing Dominion no longer has its own playlist for a decent reason..

    Anyways, what are those five 4v4 slayer playlists you're talking about? Infinity Slayer, Throwdown, SWAT, Snipers, Rumble Pit? Those are all quite different and they all have somewhat healthy populations (with the possible exception of Throwdown, which probably isn't leaving because it's a community run playlist like Grifball and because of the talk about a future 4v4 Global Championship).
    Teancum likes this.
  5. Teancum

    Teancum Forerunner

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    This, ultimately, is how it is. It sucks when people get their favorite [insert something] cut, but after crunching the numbers that's what happens. It's really the only thing they can use to measure. That being said merging it into an objective playlist with community maps would serve everyone.
    a Chunk likes this.
  6. RegrettedKarma6

    RegrettedKarma6 Recruit
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    I understand that Dominion is getting cut for a reason (population), however Dominion is one of the games defining gametypes. Not to mention the problems with the overabundance of heavy power weapons was fixed months ago? The gametype only features loadout weapon resupply's now and power weapons are placed neutrally. With Dominion being cut where do your objective players go? Do I want to wade through voting for rounds and rounds in btb just to occasionally play a non optimal variant of it? No. There should be a squad playlist end of story, honestly once its cut where are your dominion players going to migrate to? There is no supplementary playlist. This isn't just a matter of a favourite gametype being cut, it's a matter of poor consolidation.

    On another matter I'd like to re stress something. If you have positive feedback on the proposal of a squad playlist, please post a reply here Halo Waypoint Dominion Feedback
    #6 RegrettedKarma6, Sep 16, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2013
  7. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
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    Nah. Let it die. It can go join Invasion in the depths of Halo Hell, where those god awful gametypes belong.
  8. RegrettedKarma6

    RegrettedKarma6 Recruit
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    That's a pretty harsh statement to make Schnitzel, people have this thing called preferences you know. I respect that you might not like Dominion or Invasion but you have to respect that those objective gametypes feature different gameplay elements and cater to different players, not just **** on other players preferences and in turn the player themselves. Try out a less provocative approach, for example not commenting if it doesn't effect you, or saying something along the lines of ''I don't really mind if Dominion becomes a rotational playlist as I'm not a big fan of it.''
  9. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
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    nah, it's pretty terrible
    theSpinCycle and SecretSchnitzel like this.
  10. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
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    lol, doziz.

    Agreed 100%.. except about your playlist idea.. the people who play on splitscreen would hate community maps.

    1. Nobody (aka not 343) cares whether it's a "defining gametype" if the playlist doesn't have the population to support itself. If Infinity Slayer had one of the lowest populations on launch day and kept that low population consistently, it would be cut when consolidations occur. Business motivations. I'm not going to argue about them. Take it to 343.

    2. Personal Ordnance, OS custom glitches.

    3. Did you ignore the part about the analytics? 343 have chosen, for whatever reason, to remove a playlist. Most likely, the players who frequent Dominion are also likely to frequent other playlists that have been kept the same. Hence removing Dominion might do less harm than say, removing idk, Team Throwdown.

    4. I'm going to be blunt. This is the logic of 343: Better you and 100 other people get angry than the 200 in the next playlist over. And it makes sense.

    5. "Non optimal variant?" How so?

    It's also interesting that you didn't respond to my points about Slayer playlists and map design. I assume you concede those?
  11. RegrettedKarma6

    RegrettedKarma6 Recruit
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    It would be non optimal as 8 v 8 Dominion tends to add a lot of clutter to the gametype, and it also removes the ability to forge mm style maps for it due to performance issues. As for map design, I don't really tend to get that vibe that the bases are easy to camp. With the update power weapons at a minimal and being at positions where you have to push to get them or isolate yourself from the fight which in itself encourages play ers to push out of their bases for power weapons. While it is true that they can bring them back to an owned base, bases are pretty easy to bust with the amount of doorways and the occasional dropdown which can easily counter say a shotgun. Camping is possible, and was definitely a huge issue pre dominion update, but I now tend to see it as on the same level as flag etc.

    I concede that the slayer playlists are healthy and play differently, but I don't see how you can have 5 of them which all have the same main objective in comparison to a unique objective game, but that's just my opinion and opinions can be wrong I guess. I personally have never seen any OS glitches in customs and I rather like the last stand mechanic as a coordinated team can easily capitalise on a team that is ''bad and loses every base" due to the waypoint markers by either killing them and ending the game, or gaining full map control. You also mentioned personal ordnance, there is no personal ordnance in Dominion and never has been, so I don't exactly know where you got that from. Ultimately, my point is, I can concede that there has been analysis into these playlists and Dominion was cut according to the results, however as someone who enjoys the gametype I would like to see it remain the same but in a squad playlist as it would be likely to gather higher population and be better for everyone. That is why I proposed the playlist.
    #11 RegrettedKarma6, Sep 18, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2013
  12. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
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    Flag isn't anything great, either.

    Case in point: Adrift

    OS glitch is a custom option that doesn't work.

    Anyways, if there's no POD in dominion, that's my fault for misremembering.

    Regardless, if a squad playlist was put in, it would defeat the purpose of removing Dominion. We'd have the same number of playlists as before..
  13. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
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    Honestly, I haven't seen a single good 6v6 to 8v8 Dominion forge map... Let alone a single good BTB forge map in general.
  14. ablesirthomas

    ablesirthomas Forerunner
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    I believe a Squad objective playlist featuring hill, extraction and dominion could support a solid population as well as a large number of maps (community or dev). While it would still be the same number of playlists, it would support a larger more diverse group of players. 343 would also be able to reduce the number of rotational playlists, allowing people to play them more often.
    Halo 2, 3, and reach have supported a squad objective playlist even after consolidation.

    Integrating dominion into BTB would alienate allot of players (both btb and dominion fans). The current maps in matchmaking were not designed to support 16 players in dominion. As karma said this would result in a very "cluttered" and "sloppy" experience for both dominion and BTB fans. This is due to the size and layout of the dom bases and the available spawning areas at each base. The maps simply cannot hold up to the increased player count.

    As for community maps, All you have to do is look at the war games feedback threads as well as the active forums throughout the halo community. You will find that the most requested change to BTB, Dominion, and objective playlists is the inclusion of community maps. People enjoy these gametypes/playlists but they don't enjoy playing the same maps for almost a year lol.
  15. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Hate to say it, but btb forge maps flat out suck. Sure there are a couple exceptions, such as Duck's "S", but such quality maps are an extremely rare exception.

    Honestly, as far as BTB goes, I think H4 has some of the BTB maps in the franchise... Almost on par with H2. Just a bloody shame most of 'em are DLC, which no one seems to have. If 343 would make the DLC free and BTB DLC Required, I'd probably come back to play H4 exclusively for that. If they put in shoddy forge maps though.... Never.
    #15 SecretSchnitzel, Sep 20, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 20, 2013
  16. oVR

    oVR Ancient
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    Squad Battle would be great and fill that niche that Dominion and Extraction fall into as well as some CTF.

    Some BTB maps are too big for 6v6 yet there are some maps that are too small for BTB and too big for 4v4 so 6v6 would be the sweet spot.

    Also Dominion is so underrated. I could see some really unique gamemodes that could come out of that but people dont seem to be interested in forging for it or at least from the impression I get from what people post on the forums and such.
  17. coIdFUSI0N

    coIdFUSI0N Guest

    You fo real?

    Burial Mounds

    Not sure what H4 maps are competing with those.
    Noooooch likes this.
  18. ablesirthomas

    ablesirthomas Forerunner
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    Free dlc would be amazing lol. Unfortunately probably never gonna happen. I think that there are enough of these "exceptions" to add 3 or 4 maps to the playlist which could go a long way for the health of the playlist.

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