Quickscoping gone?!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SpartanPeter, Sep 8, 2013.

  1. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    Yay, lol.

    Will CoD be fun again :D?. Nah, I very much doubt that.
  2. Noooooch

    Noooooch Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Wasn't quick-scoping nerfed in BlOps 1? I remember playing BlOps 1 during the time they "patched" quick scoping so you'd have to be scoped in for like 2 seconds before your shots were accurate with a sniper rifle.

  3. Cheeze

    Cheeze <FONT COLOR="#FE2EC8"><b>I Beat the Staff!</b></FO
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    Yeah, It was Nooch, and in Blops 2. It doesn't have the Aim assist for the first couple of seconds aswell.
  4. VwS Executioner

    VwS Executioner Sweaty Online Warrior
    Senior Member

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    Wow I'm glad about this now I won't here from kids who are just horrible at the game like that fat kid in that video 1v1 me quick scopes or "your bad you hard scope" now those kids can all go f off and let the true GOOD kids of cod play ty god this could be like Mario graphics and the worst game ever but since it doesn't have quickscoping it makes it 100x better
  5. DC

    DC Ancient
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    Doesn't it seem alittle unfair that they would quite literally make a shot miss, even though every logical hit detection system would register it as a hit? While I realize aim assist comes into a major amount of this, try playing online without it using any gun, have fun. (this goes to say if you're use to using aim assist, if youve never turned it off, its an experience to do so)

    I understand the anger associated with being killed by quickscopers, because its really ****ing annoying, but its simply a tactic that one can use. "its not realistic, no sniper irl can do that" If you think COD is realistic, get on the next plane to Afghanistan, save us the trouble.

    I dont understand, however, this whole "Will cod be fun again" mind set, not only from op, but from community. I could quick scope in MW1,2,3, black ops 1, and 2, before and after patches. I'm not phenomenal at it, and I don't do it a lot, but still, its an invalid arguement to say CoD was only fun without quickscoping, if its been easy to do in every game, even with patches.

    I'll be happy to see it in ghosts, its honestly very easy to kill a quickscoper if you can catch them before they catch you, if I'm on a streak, avoiding long lines of sight and flanking makes them easy kills.
    Cheeze likes this.
  6. StolenMadWolf

    StolenMadWolf Promethean

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    I have to admit quickscoping was one of the reasons I quit COD. The tactic wasn't the problem, it was the amount of people doing it and quickscoping being one of the only good ways to get kills with a sniper. I don't mind one guy doing it every 21 so etc matches, but a few guys doing it every couple of matches? Not fun.

    As for it being gone, can't say I am sad about it, but it does seem a little overboard. A Nerf to it? Happy with that. It might bring me back to COD, but we have got to see what the game plays like, I'm not going back to another MW3...

    On another note, if 343 had some spine they would Nerf quickscoping or get rid of flinch...
  7. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    I just read this now, late I know but I feel that I need to explain why I am annoyed by Quickscoping.
    Realism I do not care about, at least not in CoD. Im going to say this in advance, I know not all Quickscopers are like this.

    I,ve had this several times ; I join a Team Deathmatch game in a playlist, and suddenly everyone on the other team starts to Quickscope. Not a problem to me, but when I kill the entire enemy team with a pistol they get angry. They just assume that if they are quickscoping, I will do it too. Same with trickshooting. I know there is no such thing as a Quickscope lobby (Which would be a good solution, but it is just a different style of using the Sniper)

    You can call that a bad experience, sure, but it happens often, not in this exact way every time, but it does.
    Like Wolf says, it is the very amount of people doing it.

    Still much people enjoyed it, a really large amount. I do not know what pushed them to delete it. Completely.
    --- Double Post Merged, Sep 27, 2013 ---
    Yes and.. It still happened, the Quickscoping.

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