MINIDROME by Maximus IL See the "Overview" page for the information that used to be here. I will continue updating the overview, but not this one.
You might want to rename the map to avoid some confusion. There's already a well known 1v1 map called Rail. Just a thought.
Ah. It seems the name problem strikes again! New name: Drome. Strictly, -drome . . . and then subtract the dash.
Very interesting layout, the scenery is a bit cluttering to the eyes, but the contrast does it some justice, on another note, it feels very rampy, not a whole of dance floor for good level Br battles, I might suggest finding areas that don't necessarily need as much elevation change and flatten them out. TLR Map looks like shoots and ladders, good contrast, flatten it out a bit.
Thanks for the feedback. I'm not sure if this exactly satisfies the dance floor criterion, but there is a flat section that runs from underneath the white tower to underneath the orange platform for the whole length of the map. It's a station corridor wide and 4 station corridors long, with the central grav lift open dishes providing an LOS breaker in the middle (you can kind-of see it in the "Bad time to miss" pic). I will put up better screenshots of that area when I get a chance (probably tomorrow). I made the map primarily for a railgun/magnum game I made (magnums included since headshots & assassinations earn extra points for the team score) - hence the original name. So the chutes/ladders feel is intentional. That may mean it doesn't play well for other types of games . . . testing will tell on that, I suppose. (I will say that - in my biased opinion at least - the rampy-ness works really well for SWAT.) If it doesn't play well, I'll probably do 2 versions - rampy one for railguns/SWAT and a flatter one for other games.
To members: I stuck this thing in the Map database . . . so future feedback probably ought to be left there. To the staff: Since this is now in the Map database, it may be a good idea to close this one. Thanks!
Maximus IL updated Drome with a new update entry: Drome Update to V0.7 Read the rest of this update entry...
Maximus IL updated Drome with a new update entry: Gametypes Added Read the rest of this update entry...
Maximus IL updated Drome with a new update entry: Minor Updates Read the rest of this update entry...
Maximus IL updated Drome with a new update entry: Trait zones and spawning Read the rest of this update entry...
Maximus IL updated Minidrome with a new update entry: Map Release Read the rest of this update entry...