Death Square

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by RMLol, May 26, 2008.

  1. RMLol

    RMLol Ancient
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    Sup guys, I'm new here, and this is my first map post.

    I joined Forge Hub a bit ago thinking I could make a impression, but was overwhelmed but the demand for interlocked maps, embedded images, etc. But I reworked my map and am ready to show it!

    Death Square
    "Warning: Screen-watching will result in a live-action kill cam."
    2-4 Players


    Supported Gametypes: All
    Best Gametypes: Slayer, Oddball

    The map itself is extremely simple in design. It has 4 identical corners and a central square structure. I made this map for my friends, because they rely solely on screen-watching to win, so this map threw them off (and made them suck.)

    I'll explain the map through the pictures.


    Players spawn in one of the four corners (for 2-4 player games). This is a Carbine on the point of the L.


    Players can then move up the stairs onto the "BR T". The BRs and Carbines don't respawn too often, so make good use of them at the beginning!


    Players can then take the grav lift up to the center platform where the plasma grenades are located.


    Or, players can take the somewhat safer route on the ground and pick up a piece of equipment below the grav lift. (Power Drainer on one side, Regen on the other.)


    If players choose to go up top, they can grab the power-up and if under fire, drop through the hole. In objective games (like oddball) the ball spawns in the hole. EDIT: The ball spawns on the ground by the sniper. My mistake.

    For the custom power-up settings, I would recommend giving the player 25m Radar for 30 secs. The power-up respawns every minute. If that isn't appealing to you, just make it active camo.


    Dropping down the hole leads to the crossroads below the center square and the sniper spawn.


    Shield doors spawn 3 minutes into the game.


    This is the view of one of the four L shaped structures (from the first picture). Each L has a spike grenade and a dual weapon. Between the two Ls the is another grav lift that will take you to the center platform.

    Around the level (not the sides or the BR Ts, is a line of boxes that form a perimeter around the level. They can be reached by the stairs in picture one or by jumping from on the Ls.

    EDIT: Totally forgot the weapons list. My bad.
    Carbine x4
    BR x2
    AR x2
    Plasma Pistol x1
    Plasma Rifle x1
    SMG x1
    Spiker x1
    Mauler x1
    Needler x1
    Sniper (1 extra clip) x1
    Custom Power-up x1
    Regen x 1
    Power Drain x1
    Spike Grenades x4
    Stickies x4

    Well that's it. I found the map to be very fast paced and fun. Expect to kill and die alot!

    Download here:

    #1 RMLol, May 26, 2008
    Last edited: May 27, 2008
  2. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow i'm impressed
    your first map and your already growing up :*)
    j/k, the map is good, i like the interlocking in the middle and the post is very neat and has everything, hope you enjoy it here.
  3. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    I don't get the point of the shield doors spawning. Any particular reason for them?
  4. Y0Y017

    Y0Y017 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Good job on the map and getting the hang of how things work around here. Cant wait for your next one!
  5. SargentKrusty

    SargentKrusty Ancient
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    Sweet map. I like your anti-screenwatching idea. It looks really neat.
  6. RMLol

    RMLol Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Um, sort of. The sniper respawns every 3 minutes, so at first there is this huge rush to the middle (either for snipe or the power-up) where you are pretty vulnerable. But, 3 minutes in, the area is more protected for people wanting snipe or to get safe with the ball.

    So there is a little tactical reason, but I mostly threw them in for a little change in the middle area.
  7. Esquisofrenic

    Esquisofrenic Ancient
    Senior Member

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    nice map, love the interlocking
  8. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
    Senior Member

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    great interlocking, love the drop pit by custom. Looks pretty goo, is this your first map?
  9. InferiorPigeon

    InferiorPigeon Ancient
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    i dont under stand the anti screenwatching thing
    what do you mean?
  10. RMLol

    RMLol Ancient
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    I threw some stuff together in foundry that was a bit half-assed, but yes, this is my first serious map. I don't want to post anything I'm not comfortable with.

    To all, thanks for the feedback! I appreciate it and plan to forge more.

    On maps like guardian, it is easy to tell where the other person is by screen-watching. But this map has four symmetrical corners, so by the time you look at their screen, look at yours, and look at all the corners they could be in, you will probably be dead.
    #10 RMLol, May 27, 2008
    Last edited: May 27, 2008
  11. IllJackYouUp

    IllJackYouUp Ancient
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    Pretty nice for your first post. looks like a great slayer map.
  12. Aranore

    Aranore Ancient
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    I LOVE simple maps. plus. sheild doors :3 i like the ramdomiszation of the simplicity. keeps spawn kills to a minamal. you have my DL .. Well done.
  13. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    not bad for a first map. i liked it alot. very simple, but plays well.

  14. BarkusTheMan 1

    BarkusTheMan 1 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this map looks like a really good symmetrical map. it looks like you used good forging methods. nice post also. the map looks really good i love the anti-screenlooking that's awesome. very nice map great job!
  15. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
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    Simple, yet it looks like it can support some kickass oddball games. Interlocking looks neat and I like the hole in the center structure. Nice first map dude.
  16. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    I think you mean screen cheating. So this map is designed for LAN parties?
    The layout looks basic yet good. COnstruction is good, nice interlocking. The CP area looks great but I'm not sure about having a powerup directly above the sniper. And I dont understand the sheild doors, it appears that you've placed them 3 minutes in just to show that you knew about timed map events. The idea of having them is alright I just dont see why they need to spawn 3 mins in, why not from the begininning
  17. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    The anti-screen watching is a ver good idea :D The interlocking has worked well here.
  18. Fly

    Fly Ancient
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    It seems to have the MLG feel. Nice job.
  19. RMLol

    RMLol Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Screen-watching, screen cheating, I think we have the same idea. The map
    works best with four people all on the same Xbox.

    The reason for the shield doors is so the sniper is harder to get in the beginning, but that area is more protected later on.

    But you're right, I did just kinda throw them in there. Oh well.
    #19 RMLol, May 27, 2008
    Last edited: May 27, 2008
  20. Thom Barbarossa

    Thom Barbarossa Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the hole in the middle is kinda cool but all in all kinda sloppy 4/10

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