TCOJ Testing lobby; Every tuesday @7pm EST

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Juanez Sanchez, Aug 24, 2013.

  1. HissingWings

    HissingWings Forerunner
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    Did you guys get a chance to play cascade?
  2. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
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    well, I found it more fun with my gametype, but maybe I'm the only one who isn't fond of armor abilities. just trying to make something a bit more old school.

    areas not being used?

    there should be no shadows, lighting was broken anyway, so I removed all the shadows. I also think the indoor looks better that way. but it makes the outdoor too luminous for a night map. also I've always removed shadows on far cry 2 maps because it makes the framerate much better.

    yeah we played cascade. it played better than I expected. when I viewed it in forge, I expected it to be quite frustrating to play, but it wasn't the case.
  3. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Fauch - I think the main reason people objected to the gametype wasn't the lack of AAs, but the focus on the magnum. The magnum can be a frustrating weapon - sometimes highly effective, but easy to miss shots with especially at close range. So the people that manage to get other weapons - especially power weapons, but also simple stuff like ARs - suddenly become godlike and crap all over the guys with just magnums. I could barely get a kill in the first half of that game - then I found a sniper and immediately rattled off a triple kill on guys who really didn't have a prayer.

    To address this, I'd suggest using a regular precision primary - probably the BR. It's a good weapon.

    Next, the negative point thing is frustrating. It shouldn't really matter, but when you die a few times and find yourself sitting at -15 points with a game almost half over, it just makes you not want to play. I'm not sure why you've set things up that way, but I would advise to ditch it.

    Juanez is right about the broken lighting on the map. The framerate seemed to drop in places as well.

    Finally, I found the design of the map to be frustrating in various ways. The small buildings with multiple floors and those small, winding ramps are not fun to navigate, especially when someone is waiting upstairs to attack you after all that work to get up there. The places you can fall to your death - this is a point of contention among designers, but I'm almost never a fan of death-pits in the middle of maps, unless you really have to work to fall into them. There should be railings, they should be high, and it should be clearly visible to people when stepping that direction will kill them. (This was a bigger problem on Mockknizzle's map where I literally fell to my death about 5 times, but it happened a couple times on your map too.) The grav lift didn't work well, requiring people to run into it 4-5 times just to make it work once, and the room it went to - a sniper sitting by a window overlooking a lot of the map - was too powerful of a position. Finally, something that seems to be common to several of your maps is that the high ground areas (upper levels) are REALLY dominant. Players just find ways to get up there and then never move until they're killed. You often spawn good weapons up there, and give players cover as well as not providing many routes for players down below to get higher. Therefore, people sit up there, picking away with power weapons and long-range weapons, and if someone comes up a ramp behind them they just turn around and wait to score an easy kill.

    Sorry if my feedback was a bit negative, but I think there's quite a bit that needs fixing before that map and gametype will really work.
    coIdFUSI0N likes this.
  4. Juanez Sanchez

    Juanez Sanchez Ancient
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    @HissingWings yes we played cascade! We used your gametype and it was either 4v4 or 5v5; cant remember which. I flew around in forge before hand and must say that its an incredibly clever and good-looking build. I loved the way you connected where overshield spawns to the left and right tunnels- the map looks seamless.
    I also had a very good game on here- so i found it suited my playstyle perhaps, others sadly not so much. There were a good few comments of the sightlines being too long and various positions being too exposed; as if one might be shot from anywhere without warning. People also said that more solid cover would have been desirable as thin blocks and narrow walls offered too little cover for their taste. Overall i liked it, i can see its designed for MLG style play and that often means open maps where one is forced to fight and die constantly- so maybe our laid back competitive group found it a little hardcore.
    HissingWings likes this.
  5. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    Hissing - here are my thoughts on your map. The basic design seemed interesting and I liked the outside ramps and how they weren't just regular 90 degree turns and such. Always nice when a map feels more like a real place than an assembly of boxes.

    Several players noted the prevalence of "lazy cover," meaning cover that doesn't seem like a necessary part of the structure, but just a piece stuck there so people can duck behind it. I agree with the philosophy that a really well-designed map needs almost no lazy cover, because the structure provides its own cover through the twists and turns of the geometry, the changes in height, and the smart placement of walls and support pillars/struts. It also has the advantage that gameplay around lazy cover is actually not interesting - you get shot, you duck and wait for your shields, then you poke your head out and fire a shot before hiding again. It generates a lot of long-range standoffs and players not moving around. So to address that, I'd suggest finding some ways to make your structure provide its own cover. Maybe partly-enclose some of those ramps and make them more like halls or tunnels. Segment the map a little bit more. This will also create more opportunities for movement, and make people feel less pinned-down by long-range shooting (which was another issue people had with the map).

    Finally, I didn't care a lot for the top mid area. It wasn't too imbalanced because it was a dangerous place to be, but it still resulted in a very king-of-the-hill style of play where both teams were battling for control of that one area and not doing too much else. A counter-position of some sort might help, or making that spot even more dangerous to be and structurally unsound (e.g. smaller/easier to fall off of).
    HissingWings and coIdFUSI0N like this.
  6. HissingWings

    HissingWings Forerunner
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    Thank you guys for the feedback, I will try to make some changes to the layout/structure and then update the post
  7. Squeak

    Squeak Promethean
    Senior Member

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    I will hopefully be at the next one. To test out my map. I wont have any time to make additions more than likely because I get out of school around the same time.
  8. Chronmeister

    Chronmeister Blockhead
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Sign me up for next Tuesday.
  9. Juanez Sanchez

    Juanez Sanchez Ancient
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    Signup for TCOJ lobby 17/9/2013

    This is the signup thread for The tuesday night TCOJ lobby!

    Do You like playing Halo 4? Yes? Good.
    Do you like customs? Yes? Good!
    Do you like your customs lobby to have awesome, handsome, schmexy people in it? Yes? Unlucky on that one, then.

    But we run this lobby every Tuesday night regardless of how fugly or repellent we are to women, and if you want to grab some good customs on new and cool forge maps, or more importantly test your own, then drop your name, gamertag or even a map link, and you will get into the most regular and friendly testing lobby going. We aim for between 6-10ppl, usually we run 4v4s.
    Alternatively send me a message or friend request on XBL, GT: Juanez Sanchez, and I will add you or send you an invite to the lobby 10-15 minutes before it begins.
    The lobby starts at 7pm est, 12am gmt, give or take 10 minutes. HOST GT: Juanez Sanchez

    1. Chronmeister
    2. J2H Executioner
    3. Juanez
    4. Nutduster
    5. Cascade/Hissingwings
    6. Fauch
    7. Squeak
    8. Nakala

    #69 Juanez Sanchez, Sep 14, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2013
  10. VwS Executioner

    VwS Executioner Sweaty Online Warrior
    Senior Member

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    Sign me up my usernames my GT
  11. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    I'll be there, but it's gonna be rough, because i'm gonna want to be playing GTA5 instead. You guys may have to entice me with elaborate promises of foot massages and out-of-season Christmas gifts.
  12. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
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    probably, like previous weeks.
  13. HissingWings

    HissingWings Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I know I won't be able to make it but if you don't mind could you guys test out cascade again? I made a new version in an attempt to fix some isssues. If you can the DL link is here.
  14. Juanez Sanchez

    Juanez Sanchez Ancient
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    I wondered if people might not be joining cos of GTAV. Personally i wont be going anywhere near that game, or any of its series, but everyone else seems to love robbing banks and doing gangster stuff.
  15. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
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    I have more risks to get stuck on Rayman legends once I buy it. I'm slightly curious about GTAV but not thinking about buying it.
  16. VwS Executioner

    VwS Executioner Sweaty Online Warrior
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    You just ain't bout that thug life that's all
  17. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    That stuff is all fun (in a game context, that is!) - but the real reason I play GTA is just the immersiveness of the world they create. I spend FAR more time in GTA wandering around, looking at the scenery, getting into random fights with the AI, finding easter eggs and exploring every nook and cranny, etc. than I do playing the missions. Same was true in Red Dead Redemption. I just think those guys make better open world/sandbox games than anybody else, at least for the kind of activities I like to do in those games.
    nakala1972 likes this.
  18. nakala1972

    nakala1972 Forerunner
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    I'll be there and on time this week.
  19. Maximus IL

    Maximus IL TCOJ

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    No GTA for me . . . so I will be there with Drome.
  20. VwS Executioner

    VwS Executioner Sweaty Online Warrior
    Senior Member

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    Like to see how that map plays out with strafing with all those bumps n inclines
    Maximus IL likes this.

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