Here is one of my latest projects titled "Serenity". It is forged on Ravine in the Forerunner structure. "Serenity" was initially created to be a smaller competitive map able to support multiple Slayer gametypes. Additional gametype support is planned but want to get the basic structure created to check general flow and eliminate possible funneled hotspots. The map has multiple levels that the player can reach using multiple methods. Jumping, use of the jetpack/thruster, and sprint are encouraged to reach these areas. Initial spawns will be located at the two main bases on either side of the map. The bases consist of an upper and lower level and have multiple path options available for different player strategy (straight forward, left doorway, right doorway). There are two lower hallways perpendicular to the center bridge that connects the two upper levels and a rear room with upper and lower levels. A general map preview video showing basic layout including bases, hallways, rear room, and bridge. Video is not of highest quality. Open to any feedback, suggestions, or criticisms. Thanks in advance!
Aww, I opened the page and was hoping for this: Spoiler In all honesty though it was still rather difficult to get an idea of map flow due to the transitions you put in. I feel like a theater mode fly around would have been much more helpful.
Do you have a download link, or a Gamertag you'd be willing to share where I can download this myself? I'd like to do a walkthrough on the map before I even think about offering any real feedback.
As it is incomplete, I haven't uploaded to my fileshare yet but can upload current build version for you to walk through. The original capture was over 7 minutes long so I cut it down. I will get a theater fly around version uploaded as Teancum suggested (without transitions lol) that would give a better presentation of the map as well. Will post both the link and updated video once complete. Thanks for the interest!
Update: Current build has only 1 initial spawn and 1 respawn. I've also placed jet pack and thruster as initial ordnance to "try" to find any possible exploits. I still have quite a bit more work to do to the hallways, upper level, and rear room. Center area is near structurally complete. Updated flythrough video: