From the depths of my hard drive I have resurrected a map presumed dead for 4 months. After some modern medical procedures it does however live again! Yes, that title image contains an abstract, arty phoenix. Yes, my PM inbox is available for hate mail. Click here. Thanks. Compartment was created initially with SWAT in mind, and I finished construction just prior to the behind-the-scenes preparation for the 1v1 tournament. It was a potential candidate for inclusion into the hopper, but ultimately a variety of reasons prevented that - rest assured it did not (to the best of my knowledge) include the reason: 'Map Sucks Badly'. A small, intense, close-quarters style mixed and contrasting with radical weapon choices, Compartment is an unusual map for its size in that it is very versatile and can accommodate a swathe of gametype preferences. The ground floor is in the shape of a figure of eight and features long sight lines through the chain link of the stairs, enabling players to anticipate player movements across the map. The walls are designed for grenade bouncing and each end contains a modicum of scenery and sprinkling of explosive materials. At the very centre the active camouflage spawns, and at the base of the stairs a frag grenade and sniper rifle. There's also two SMGs to pick up down here. The upper floor is more sprawling, divided down the centre by a corridor containing the rocket launcher and flanked on either side by two bases with 180° rotational symmetry. Each side contains 2 plasma rifles, two spike rifles, a spike grenade and a trip mine. In symmetrical gametypes, one of the two routes into each side is blocked by window panels, which prevent player movement but can still be seen and shot through, as well as enabling the passing of objective items to a teammate. Putting this map together has taken a great deal of thought and head scratching as well as a multitude of differing iterations to balance the unusual geometry. It was almost akin to the time I spent with rusty eagle working on Sewers. I'm also glad to be able to release something subtly subversive again after far too long. I know that will please a few people, or sincerely hope it does - you know who you are. The map is fully sealed and ready for whatever you want to throw at it. Try it out, see how it fits. Click the screens below for larger images. Recommended Games [1v1] Slayer Crazy King Flag Rally [2v2] Team Slayer Team SWAT Lowball Multi Flag Assault Team King VIP [3v3] Team SWAT [≥3] (May require starting grenades to be turned Off) Slayer Oddball Crazy King [≥4] Save One Bullet Default Map Loadout SMG [2] Spike Rifle [4] Plasma Rifle [4] Assault Rifle [2] Sniper Rifle [2] Rocket Launcher [1] Frag Grenade [2] Spike Grenade [2] Trip Mine [2] Active Camo [1] Download Compartment
Very good i dont know if the bottom is too small though, i think if you were to play swat here it could be easy to guard to bottom however te top is always available and more open yet confined in the same way nice map Long live the Dead Maps!
Oh lol. At first even after reading the desription I thought those screens were the whole thing. Then I realized that it broke it down by level, showing the exposed area without certain parts on. From what I can see, and trust me I will return after playing, it indeed looks like a solid map for SWAT. And I know what you mean by modern medical procedures, right now I am remkaing my greatest map ever made prior to interlocking and merging but this time I AM using those techniques.
it may just be me but i don't understand how the pics are of the same map, but i do like the figure 8
this looks really good for SWAT,like you said. id DL but i got the RRoD. 5/5, and nice to see a map from you again Shock!
Man in the time it took me to fully take in the post there are 5 post. I think the map look well put together Shock. I've keep most of the 1v1 maps on my HDD, Aqueduct, Sewers (p.s. there is a V2 up in the Featured Maps section, y'all should go check it out), Spire, and Slanted. I've come to love 1v1 games even tho I'm more of a team person. I might just have to make a Conquest map out of this eventually.
I played this ages ago. I was wondering why you never published it. I really enjoyed the games I played on this one. Hmmm, but I enjoyed the Fuel Rod Gun to the Rocket Launcher. But I suppose everyone has their tastes, and I'm sure you have your reasons for the weapon selection.
The dead are rising, I just hope it doesn't bite other bad old maps. Also good job I am going to download it right now.
Somehow Shock managed to screw up the weapon balance completely, so we had to go fix it...(he had 2 snipers with 2 extra clips, 60 respawn rate, and i dont even remember what he had in the middle but it was phail).. the Rocket Lawn Chair was my idea, I like how its almost useless in the above stories but very useful in the lower areas. The pictures are 'dissection' pictures, he obviously couldn't have shown the map if he didnt do so. 2000th post too I put in Roquette Lawn Chair 4 months ago as the default, for similar reasons... then a whole bunch of other stuff replaced it, Fuel Rod as Furious mentioned but settling on OS... the snipe-fest was très amusant for random customs... Merci beaucoup for the picture explaination *roll eyes* 2,001st post shall follow with great fury... moar ellipses...
I played this randomly and it was really fun. I played king of the hill and it was insanely fun. I though this was an old featured map when i started playing it, but look it just got posted this is a definite download. Map is durable and looks good i can see no problems.
Map looks insane for swat can't wait to dl and see for my self once again great map from you shock _______________________ live, die, replace
this map looks very good. but yeah i was also confused about the pictures but i get it. the map looks great, awesome close combat look to it. it looks like a very good map the design looks amazing too, how it has the different levels. looks really sweet i hope i get a chance to play it with a bunch of people. P.S. i don't get the phoenix thing...
very interesting. plays pretty violently, but i like it. unique as well with such tight hallways. 4.5/5
I take it you thought long and hard about the gameplay while making this map. It seems solid and that SWAT would definitely be a blast on it. Great map, Shock, especially for a four month-old.
This inspires me to bring out possibly the worst map I have ever made, arguably beating puzzle pack. =P But meh. I'm liking that last pic. Please do, I desire to see this map 'o fail. Don't worry, I shall companionably salute you on it, as opposed to flaming wildly and uncontrollably
How come your still ghost posting, are you planning something for 2001. Correct Sir The map looks great, I've dl it but I'm not sure if I'll get it, *curses at the 100 custom limit* lol for the last pic. The layout looks really good, I've only seen a figure 8 done a few times and I like the idea, love your work, dont stop forging. Thank you muchness, I shan't anytime soon