Well, I went and did it...

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by MrGreenWithAGun, Sep 9, 2013.

  1. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
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    I popped in the reach disc to see what the population was and i dont see myself going back to Halo 4 for a while...
  2. coIdFUSI0N

    coIdFUSI0N Guest

    Dem Anniversary maps.
  3. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
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    Not sure what it is, but it just feels better... So much better color... better music... better...........

    But ya the anniversary maps are nice...
  4. Zandril

    Zandril Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Same here. Nowadays, I only get on Halo 4 to Forge and play customs. If I wanna play MM, I go to Reach. No stupid Infinity settings there.

    The only bullsh** being armor lock.
  5. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
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    Gold Pro ZBNS is the bomb.
  6. Teancum

    Teancum Forerunner

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    Armor lock is just as fair as any other AA. People complain it's overpowered, but the disadvantage to Armor Lock is that it gives players a chance to surround you. It doesn't last long enough to recharge shields, so no matter what your only chance once going into lock is another player coming along and taking out the person attacking you.
    Overdoziz likes this.
  7. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
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    What is the population of Halo Reach these days?
  8. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
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    Population counter is broken from what I've heard but you can get a game decently fast in the more populated playlists like Team Slayer, Living Dead, etc. For some of the more niche playlists (Team Doubles, MLG, etc) you may have to wait a few minutes before getting a match.
    Elliot likes this.
  9. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
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    Broken? Damn, that's irritating.

    Well, it can take a few minutes in some playlist in Halo 4!
  10. Noooooch

    Noooooch Forerunner
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    I actually played Reach recently too!

    No personal ordnance, less AA's, less sprint, MLG v7 and BTB for the win. Reach is just all around a BETTER GAME in terms of forge, gameplay, custom game options etc.
  11. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    Ugh. This again?

    The problem with armor lock isn't that it's unbalanced. It's balanced fine, as evidenced by the fact that most quality players choose other AAs. The problem is that it's freaking ANNOYING. It might be the most annoying thing that was ever put in a Halo game. It works reasonably well in BTB as a vehicle counter, but in small and mid-sized maps it just slows down gameplay, and makes for cheap and frustrating situations that make better players feel cheated out of kills by worse players.

    The TU nerf was a step in the right direction, but it still sucks. Hardlight shield is more tolerable than armor lock by a country mile.
  12. ChronoTempest

    ChronoTempest Senior Member
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    Hardlight shield is also worthless. I could appreciate that AL would reward patience, and considering most people don't have that, it's not hard to see why people would dislike it.
    Anyway, I'm glad some people have realized how enjoyable Reach actually was. It's too bad that it needed the contrast of H4 for that to happen, though.
    Teancum likes this.
  13. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    Whether it has a worth or not is a separate conversation. Hardlight shield slows down the game far less, therefore it's far more tolerable. Players who use it can still move, and can still be killed while using it.

    Yes, there's definitely nothing better in video gaming than staring at a glowing crouched guy for 5 full seconds while an actual game is being played all around you. Unless maybe it's waiting that 5 seconds and then being killed by his teammates who were nowhere in the area when you got the guy one-shot to begin with.

    Good things in Halo that reward patience include flag running. Go in too early and you get cut down, but sneak in quietly while guys are leaving the base, or fighting with your teammates, and you stand a chance. Armor lock never "rewarded" patience, it just delayed gratification and replaced it with nothing except staring at a d-bag who had the skill to press one button on his controller and hold it down.
  14. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    That hit the nail right on the head.
  15. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    100% bloom is worse than Halo 4.
    GrenadeGorilla8 likes this.
  16. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Fixed that for ya.

    TU Reach was alright. I really hated bloom though - such a deficient mechanic.
    GrenadeGorilla8 likes this.
  17. ChronoTempest

    ChronoTempest Senior Member
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    The fact that someone using AL can't move means you should be getting an easy kill. Although I was effective using it, I rarely encountered another player that could beat me with it.

    There is nothing forcing you to stand there and stare at him. Sounds like you're the one slowing down. Besides, using it correctly doesn't involve just holding the button down for it's entire duration right before you die.
  18. coIdFUSI0N

    coIdFUSI0N Guest

    If Armor Lock was a set number of uses, like how Evade can be used twice draining half the meter each time, then it would be much less annoying. People claim you have to stare at the Armor Locker because he can pop out as soon as you turn around. Make it so AL has a minimum usage time which drains half the meter. If you continue to hold the button the duration doubles and fully drains the meter. This way there are only two times an ALer can exit AL, 2.5 seconds after activation or 5 seconds after activation. This would allow the opponent of an ALer to continue the fight without having to babysit the ALer so much.
    MrGreenWithAGun likes this.
  19. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    Again, not the point. The point isn't how effective it is or isn't; the point is that it's annoying with almost no benefit to gameplay. Which is exactly why they nerfed it, and then for Halo 4 replaced it with something else.

    You can't be making that argument in good faith. First of all, if you're fighting with a guy and he goes into "you can't kill me" mode, turning your back on him is PROBABLY not a great idea. And since the primary or at least secondary objective of most Halo matches is to get kills, when you have a guy frozen in place and already wounded, running off just because "standing here is annoying" is not sound strategy. In MOST cases, your best move is to wait for him to exit armor lock and finish him off. You know that.

    But 95% of the people who used it never used it correctly. That's true of all armor abilities (and weapons as well), but in armor lock's case, that 95% made the game aggravating as crap, whereas a guy misusing jetpack by flying straight up in the air after he gets shot is only hurting himself. Basing your judgment of a mechanic on how it COULD work if only everyone used it to maximum efficacy has no meaning in the larger context of how things actually play out, all day every day, in matchmaking.

    On top of that, even the people who did use AL correctly still made the game more annoying. There's nothing more irritating than fighting for a neutral power weapon like rockets, getting it, putting yourself in a position to use them advantageously - only to have a guy press a button that sends the rocket flying in another direction (which, if you're unlucky, kills you or your teammates). Is it possible to anticipate this and beat it? Of course - I did it hundreds or thousands of times (literally) when I still played Reach. But that doesn't mitigate the fact that it was one of the most aggravating things that could happen in any Halo game.

    I still say that armor ability had no good use outside of BTB. The meta considerations of "do I try to splatter this guy, or play it safe..?" were actually entertaining and added a skill gap. Beating armor lockers in non-vehicle maps wasn't usually a skill, it was just a question of being calm enough to not throw your TV out the window while they either wasted your ammo or your time, or both.
    MrGreenWithAGun likes this.
  20. Teancum

    Teancum Forerunner

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    Both hilarious and true, and I'm pro armor lock. Sucks when you're up against those people who really know how to use it well (and not as a crutch), but it's sooo incredibly satisfying to deflect a rocket or blow up a charging vehicle. I usually don't succeed in doing either, which is probably why it's so gratifying when I do.
    Overdoziz likes this.

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