Gametype Mario Kart Double Dash

Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by TurbTastic, Aug 20, 2013.

  1. TurbTastic

    TurbTastic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Download the Mario Kart Double Dash gametype

    Race together in teams of 2 in this Mario Kart style gametype. I recommend playing with 10-16 players. The guy on the back of the mongoose uses a Railgun and Sticky Detonator to try and slow down the other teams. This is circuit based racing so there is only one round with invulnerable players and vehicles. There are many places where you can fall off the edge but I have teleporters setup as checkpoints so you will not lose much progress. The score to win is 10 which leads to 5 laps since each player gets a point for each lap. The Railgun should be your main choice, but the Sticky Detonator can be particularly useful when you are ahead since the Waypoint All allows you to time your explosions from a distance. There is only one honor rule in this game and it is NO HIJACKING! Always try to stay with your teammate on your original mongoose, but in the event that you lose your mongoose I do have spare vehicles placed throughout the track on my maps. There are 3 lanes at the checkpoint (RACETRACKS hills) so if you're going through at the same time as another team use a different lane or you will contest each other and not get any points. The modded race gametype does not allow teams otherwise I would use it, but if one with team support comes out I'll update my maps right away. I currently have 7 compatible maps:

    Bowser Castle Double Dash
    Coconut Mall Double Dash
    Swerve City Double Dash
    Banshee Boardwalk Double Dash
    Luigi's Raceway Double Dash
    Sherbet Land Double Dash
    Wario Stadium Double Dash

    See the pictures below to see this in action!

    Overview of starting area. I use a few different styles.



    Railgun blast.


    This one might have been my bad.

    Thanks for the shiny decoration.


    Excellent spot to leave a Sticky.

    Use separate lanes when going through at the same time.

    Don't do this.

    Feature my gametype! I have footage!
    #1 TurbTastic, Aug 20, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2013
  2. DG Intensity

    DG Intensity Promethean

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    These were really fun last night dude, to bad some of them were just running around though

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