If you have room, I would like to go again as well. I tried to follow Juanez's suggestions on Artifact and would like to see how it worked.
Map Name: Defection Forger: CaveatEmptor MM (MadMax) Player Count: 4 - 8 Primary Gametypes: Koth, Slayer Thread Link: FH Thread Download Link: Fileshare I hope i can attend the playtest. I still got a lot to learn, so direct feedback is always nice. Don't be easy with me
Yep, Got both Alex and Max down. Two spots left for our 4v4, sign up now! Current Lobby Signup for August 13th @ 7pm EST: HOSTs: JUANEZ SANCHEZ & AnotherClaymore Map / GamerTAG: 1. Chron 2. Extreme Race Track by AlexJ189 3. Nutduster 4. Arboretum by Jaunez Sanchez 5. Alpine by AnotherClaymore 6. Max 7. 8. Reserves 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
So I cant make this one, but I figured I'd let you all know that I think I might have accidentally started making something that will suit a 4v4. It might be hectic, but it should maybe work. I'll bring it to one of these once its done. For now, just know its inspired by the San Carlo alle Quattro Fontain (image) of Italy (something I've been trying to accomplish for about a year now, so this is crazy exciting for me). Anyway, have fun tonight, gents. I'll see you soon, hopefully.
How long does this last until. I probably won't be able to get on for another half hour to an hour and I have 2 4v4 maps to play
Thanks again guys for the lobby. I think Artifact's got one more play in it, and then I will release it and move on. It's time for something new. I will try to leave as much feedback as possible throughout the day in the map threads for the ones we played. P.S. - assuming you'll take me - you can put me down for a reserve spot pretty much every week. Even if I have nothing to test, I don't mind adding an extra body to the lobby so you can make sure there's enough people to test the 4v4 maps. And if someone else has a map they'd like to test, you can always bump me out. I don't want to occupy space if there's someone who needs feedback. I'll let you know ahead of time if I actually have a map to test. Otherwise, I'm happy to be a regular reserve.
TCOJ Tuesday Night Testing Lobby @ 7pm EST AUGUST 20th Hello all, this is the Signup thread for the TCOJ lobby of Tuesday AUGUST 20th 2013. Do you like fun and competitive testing lobbies with great, grown-up feedback? This lobby is for you then!!! We aim for 8-10 players, and pass the lead after each game in order of the sign-ups. We also usually get two rotations of the lobby or two games on your map. We like to playtest anything, just as long as its fun, with a focus on competitive gametypes and maps. If you want to playtest your maps or just play some great customs, then leave a message below with your GT and a link to the map thread you would like to test, and we will add you to the rotation. The host XBL GamerTAGs are Juanez Sanchez and AnotherClaymore, so add us if you like. The Lobby will begin at 12am GMT, 7pm EST. WE will invite players online to the lobby 15 mins before. The traditional recap thread posted the next day is now no longer the best or only place to leave feedback for the maps you played. Henceforth all forgers are firmly encouraged to create a simple Preview Thread Like This One so that ideas, criticism and feedback can be kept in better order and be better used. We will still put a recap post up of some kind though. We will play it by ear. HOSTS: Juanez Sanchez & AnotherClaymore Map / GamerTAG: 1. Vanguard by Hissing wings 2. Anotherclaymore! !!! 3. Novus/something new By Zandril 4. Extreme Race Track by AlexJ189 5. Paintball by Juanez Sanchez 6. Something by Nutty McNutbag 7. Chronmeisters latest thing 8. Zandrils thingamabob Reserves 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. C'Mon, sign up. It's da frickin bomb, yo.[/SIZE]
I know that I can't make it to this lobby because I have football practice during that time. If their is any time left after everyone tests their maps I have a map that I'd like some feedback on a 4v4 map of mine if its ok. Thread link to Vanguard: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-4-maps-gametypes/147215-vanguard.html
I'd like to reserve a spot. If I can manage to have a playable version of my new map, I'd like to test it. But if not, maybe I'll just play Novus.
Probobly cant come tuesday. I would, but I'm likely to visit family before I go off to University again.
I unfortunately won't have internet by Tuesday. I really want to get more tests on Surveyor's new version. I guess it will have to wait until at least next week. I jut hope my new job doesn't interfere with this lobby.
Good works bro's. I have something new for you all that will be a big departure from my usual shizz. Think paintball, without the bruises or the inexorbitant cost of the paintballs themselves.