Stepback v1 by HeyLetsRace Stepback is my fifth map that I have made for Halo 4 which is competitive so far. This map is based off a design from a Halo 3 map called Highway B, which was a personal favorite for me. To migrate it to Halo 4 I had to open it up a little bit, changed the blocks that were used in some spots, and of course, change the weapons. This map is a symmetrical map that has the power weapons spread out through the middle. You can find a rocket launcher down low, a sword tucked away on a small platform, overshields in a crate, and two snipers by barricades on each side of the map. With those weapons you can find your classic Halo guns scattered around like DMRs, BRs, and ARs. This map would work great with Team Slayer Varients, Capture the Flag, and freefall with a max player limit of 8. Be sure to download and leave feedback. Here are the pictures. This is the best I can do for an overview of the map.
There is only one problem that stands out: which is a problem for many maps made in the Griffball Arena room on Erosion, which is the floor. The floor doesn't fit with the actual map-easily solved with wall coliseums.