My dream playlist's including maps, and gametypes. v4 Competitive 4v4: CTF 5 Flag on Simplex v4 v4 Team Slayer on Simplex v4 CTF 5 Flag on Onyx v4 v4 Team Slayer on Onyx CTF 5 Flag on The Pit v4 Team Slayer on The Pit v4 EXT-1SITE on Epicenter v4 Team Slayer on Epicenter v4 Team Slayer on V4 Abandon v4 CTF 3 Flag on V4 Skyline v4 Team Slayer on v4 Skyline. Then I would have a FFA Playlist including: Competitive FFA NO Sprint 120% Movement BR Start No Power Weapons v4 Onyx v4 Simplex v4 Haven v4 Abandon What do you guys think? I would probably play MM a lot more if these were available!
Yeah, I know... Who do you think Gordon even started building that gametype for? That's right, none other than yours truly. XD If this were on MM though, I'd be in heaven.
Well obviously that would be better for you but I don't like zero aim assist and magnetism my issue is with flinch. What game types would you wanna see in MM?
I might have to give that a try. My aim sucks donkey gonads. Perhaps playing those settings would help me get better.
Dream playlist in Matchmaking? Hell, I'd settle for just having the Big Team Slayer Playlist back with the default versions of the maps. That version had a lot of issues, but it was still better than the current versions with 50 power vehicles on every map. If I had control of it however I'd do it this way: Playlist Name: Big Team Battle Maps: Longbow Longbow Heavy Vortex Vortex Heavy Exile Meltdown Classic Valhalla Ragnarok Heavy Shatter Wreckage Daybreak Perdition Outcast Outcast Heavy Possibility of adding fitting forge maps. DLC would start out optional but if all players have it, it will show up. Would switch to mandatory eventually near end of Halo 4 lifespan. DLC only playlists would remain a thing, though likely combined DLC for 4 v 4 or 8 v 8 player count. Each map would receive a weapon and vehicle rebalance with no random drops, lower-mid tier weapons placed on map, and the maps would be balanced in a range from heavier gameplay to lighter. Longbow, for example, would go back to being a map for Chain Warthogs and Ghosts whereas maps like Exile (which are less competitive by design) would feature heavier vehicles and more power weapons. This would let both types of players enjoy the playlist. Heavy variants would be left as they are now and would only be played with Infinity game modes. Modes: Big Team Slayer (10 points per kill) Big Team CTF (5 point cap) Big Team Extraction (2 sites, 5 points) Big Team KOTH (50 second move, 250 points) Classic Slayer (1 ppk) Classic Flag (3 point cap) Classic Extraction (2 sites, 5 points) Classic KOTH (50 second move, 250 points) Infinity Slayer (downscaled personal ordnance, 10 ppk) Infinity CTF (5 point cap) Infinity Extraction (1 site for simple gameplay. 5 point cap) Infinity KOTH (50 second move, 250 points) The prefix "Big Team" designates game load outs with primary either BR, DMR, LR, Carbine, or AR, secondary magnum, grenade 2 frags, no AA, Resupply, Explosives. Sprint enabled because it allows greater ability for players to engage vehicles on foot in BTB. The prefix "Classic" designates game load outs with primary BR or Carbine, secondary magnum, grenade 2 frags, no AA, no perks. Sprint disabled for those looking for a truly classic experience. The prefix "Infinity" does not designate personal ordnance, but personal load outs and otherwise unmodified Halo 4 gameplay. Only Infinity slayer features personal ordnance. Infinity slayer is the same as in the game now except with only grenades, powerups, and low or mid-tier power weapons or possibly resupply primary or secondary weapons. Infinity game modes can only be played on Heavy map variants. Big Team and Classic modes can be played on any map except the Heavy variants. This gives a good balance of all the different aspects of Big Team Battle. On one end you have Classic gameplay reminiscent of Halo 3, allowing for balanced competitive games with less clutter. On the other hand you have the Heavy variants and Infinity modes, which allow for the crazy fast paced gameplay many love about Halo 4. For those in between then there are the Big Team modes, which offer more choice than the classic modes but still keep things simple and balanced for solid Halo gameplay with a few of the good features from Halo 4. I will try to keep balancing this out and possibly find a few forge maps I would suggest, though I doubt any of it will ever come to pass.