4-8 Players Atomic Raceways v1.2 (2k/10k budget)

Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by Whatdidntdiddydo, Aug 15, 2013.

  1. Whatdidntdiddydo

    Whatdidntdiddydo Promethean

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    Hey everyone, I'm new to the Halo Forge. I've spent about 20 hours forging now and I am attempting to create my first smooth and challenging race track. I've designed a track that uses a USNC tower as an intersection which must be jumped 4 times before users eventually advance to the second large asteroid. My goal is to create a map that features tons of mid air collisions and close calls.

    I originally envisioned my track eventually resembling an atom symbol but the track quickly got away from me as I explored the use of some more unconventional pieces so the name may change. In its current state most of the track functions be it imperfectly (jumps/gravity/cannons/inclines) One ramp section in particular requires a great deal of finesse to hit right and I am working to eliminate the gravity zone from on of the landing zones that hits rather hard. I want the track to require racers to steady their alignment and manage their speed in order to avoid bail-offs and missed ramps.

    Please join me if you would like to try it out, give feedback, or forge the rest with me!

    I need lots of racers to test the collision zones! Should be a blast!

    Current budget: 2.2k/10k

    Edit: Added correct download link.
    Edit: Screen shots up.
    #1 Whatdidntdiddydo, Aug 15, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2013
  2. Whatdidntdiddydo

    Whatdidntdiddydo Promethean

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    Attempting to get these screen shots right... can't seem to do it.





    #2 Whatdidntdiddydo, Aug 15, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2013
  3. Whatdidntdiddydo

    Whatdidntdiddydo Promethean

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    I've done some work on version 1.3 which takes racers from the small asteroid pictured above to the second large asteroid which has the building on it already. The goal is to produce at least one more collision zone inside the building.

    I'm wondering if it might just be better to keep the track to ~ 1 min laps and put the hill in the gravity zones, then slap a teleporter on the landing asteroid.
  4. AlexJ189

    AlexJ189 Octane Racing

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    I've downloaded the map and immediately I can see a few problems with it.

    1. There is no race game type assigned to this map at all. All you have done is put a bunch of spawn points and some mongooses down in the hope that that'll do. Also there are no checkpoints so someone could easily get lost, which is very bad for a race track.

    2. Some of the jumps don't quite work.

    3. Most of the pieces are not aligned properly making the race track uneven.

    However, despite all of the above, I really do like what you've already done. I would be more than happy to provide assistance in forging the rest of the track, and setting it up with a race game type. And if you ever need to know something, or you want help with something, just message me and I will help as best I can.
  5. Whatdidntdiddydo

    Whatdidntdiddydo Promethean

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    V1.2 is a big kitty wompus, I've done a lot of tweaking to v1.3 to help with the ramps and the alignment of inclines. Bare with me on this as I've not done anything of the caliber I expect for this map (see "Blam!2" for proof, lots of fun but also very jank in many parts).

    @Alexj189 Could you link me to an explanation of how to set up race types? I also saw you used a checkpoint system in one of your maps. I'd be interested to learn how that works.

    Working on fixing screen shots! These blasted things!
  6. AlexJ189

    AlexJ189 Octane Racing

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