Map Name: BRINK by MiCkEy O rOuRkE Game-types supported : FFA slayer, oddball, red vs blue ctf, koth and all teams in slayer Amount of players : 8-12 players][/URL] Here is a video fly through the map, showing the architecture off: DOWNLOAD HERE: Description: This is my first big team battle map in Halo 4, its works well for 6v6 ctf but also is a good map for other team game-types or free for all modes with slightly less players. It is a symmetrical map with the blue and red base being an exact copy rotated 180 degrees from each other at the centre point of the map. Then at either side of the bases is the gold and green bases which are a copy of each other. The map also has some vehicular game play with a ghost and warthog or both halves of the map.][/URL] There is two entrances to the red/blue base and two normal exits for the vehicles to travel through. There is an extra exit up the stunt ramps which players can use to splatter anyone positioned on the human mounted turret.][/URL] There is a gravity lift inside the walkway cover which throws the player up to the upper middle platform. Players can use the jump spot from the top of the crate to the light then up to the binary rifle spawn to reach the flag stand more quietly and more discreetly.][/URL] There is a ramp through the doorway behind the rock which provides a rear route up to the red/blue base platform. The tunnel connects to the rear of the base where the red/blue team initial spawns are. But also to the rear ramp which leads up to the flag stand.][/URL] The warthog spawn for both bases are at the left hand side which are equidistant to the green/gold spawns so any team can rush it on team slayer. There is a human mounted turret to cover the left side of the bases from walking enemies or vehicle targets. There is just enough rocks for an attacking team to assault from the this side.][/URL] The green/ gold base have a man cannon which throws the player to the top middle platform. This helps players if they decide to hug the outside of the map at the rocks but doesn’t break the flow of battle because they can easy get back in the mix by jumping into the middle.This also makes the time from the green/gold spawn to the red/blue binary rifle spawn equidistant for all the teams to rush this power weapon.][/URL] Behind the green/gold base a random ordnance drops containing railgun/concussion rifle/spartan lazer combination. The position to the left of these bases and the ramps give good elevation to provide fire towards the red or blue bases.][/URL] On top of the middle platform there is a random ordnance which contains rocket/incinerator cannon combination. Players can also sprint jump from the corner wall platforms at the middle down to the covered platform where the needler spawn is. The corner walls also have a secret walkway behind them from the bottom middle of the map. Bottom middle contains a scattershot which is equidistant from all four team spawns.][/URL] The red and blue team players can reach the bottom middle to grab the scattershot by exiting the teleporter which are located at the halfway points between the 2 main bases and 2 side bases. The tree provides cover in-case the player takes any fire from enemies at the needler spawn.][/URL] This also provides an alternate route for flag carriers to take instead of going along the connecting platforms through the middle of the map.The teleporter entrance is located above and behind the red/blue spawns by running up the ramp. There is also a longer but more secure return for vehicles to run the route all the way behind the bases and under the double room where the teleporter is located or the ramps if a driver is skilled enough.][/URL] The tunnel is a good route for team mates to drive through to catch their fellow flag carrier team-mate or even to provide supporting fire for team-mates on foot assaulting the base. There is also load-out weapons such as the carbine located to the left side of the red/blue bases and a light rifle beside the little rock tunnel on the right side of both bases so players are not caught with ammo if sticking to the outer parts of the map.][/URL] There are two main ramps up to the platform where the ghost is located on both bases. There is a double wide ramp up to a tunnel brace which is used for cover. But there is also a rear ramp that leads up behind the tunnel brace. This platform can also be accessed by crouch jumping from a rock on ground level up between the cover crenelation.][/URL] RANDOM ORDNANCE 1 + 3: RAILGUN/CONCUSSION RIFLE/ SPARTAN LAZER RANDOM ORDNANCE 2: ROCKET/INCINERATION CANNON][/URL]][/URL]][/URL]][/URL]][/URL]][/URL] Thanks for showing interest in my map. If you need help play testing any of your own maps and if I can help send me an friend request/game invite. DOWNLOAD HERE:
In the screenshot of green base, you have a 1x4 block that's lying down. It doesn't look like it's necessary and just ends up making that are look crowded. Aside from some oversteep ramps, that's what I see that's wrong with the map so far. Will download and come back with more feedback for 'ya. Because you seem to have been deprived of feedback in this site, I'm gonna try and help you out.
Thanks very much zan, i was thinking if i have time i can bring this to FCCGN on the saturday nite for big map testing, just need to see if i can make it. Should i just leave that 1x4 block area blank or many put a smaller block in for a little bit of cover from the red/blue base?
You can RSVP for the FCCGNs at Halo Customs. And, most times, the "small map" night becomes "big map" because of the number of attendees so I suggest joining the small night too.
I rsvped already over on halo customs should be fun, be good to get feedback there and then about my maps
Wow, somebody else from Northern Ireland... Looks like a really good map, I'd love a game on this sometime. You could improve on your aesthetics a little but that's just me : )
Whats the craic didnt no there was any of us on here i sent u a friend request so we can get some games rocking sometime
Oh my lanta. This is perty. I really wish I had the time to Halo these days. I really wish my Xbox was portable. Le sigh.
When I looked at this map, I noticed that you placed a lot of cover everywhere. Even in places that didn't need cover. For example, you peppered the upper levels of the map with cover. The upper levels are most likely going to be the most powerful positions of the map and you don't want to make the most powerful areas too safe. I'm not saying that you should eliminate all cover in the upper area. Just lessen it. You should also remove the 1x4 blocks you placed horizontally in Green and Yellow. They will not be good for movement in that area. Another thing I noticed were the boundaries. They're just way too low. One can jump from the platforms at Green and Yellow onto the rock boundaries. A boundary should not be that easy to jump on. In fact, players shouldn't be able to jump on them at all. If you want to use rocks as walls, I suggest using Rock 5s instead of Rock 3s and 4s. There's also a low ceiling at Green and Yellow. You never want people hitting their heads when they jump. Then there are the oversteep ramps at Green and Yellow. I suggest keeping ramps at an angle lower than 45. To know that an incline is at the right angle, you should be able to jump up while walking up the incline. Lastly, the power positions. I don't see any areas that players would want to control. I feel like people will just be running around aimlessly during the match without any real direction and just shooting the enemies they see. The upper level could be a control point but I think you made it too confined. Those are the issues I saw so far.