4-8 Players Crater

Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by AnotherClaymore, Aug 14, 2013.

  1. AnotherClaymore

    AnotherClaymore Forerunner

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    Mirror Symmetrical Arena Style Map
    2v2 - 6v6 Players
    Slayer - CTF – KOTH Gametypes
    Download Soon





    Crater is an arena style mirrored symmetrical map, Red/Blue bases are the same and Green/Purple bases are the same. Ramps lead around the inside middle area of the map from bottom Red/Blue to top Purple/Green. Each base has a grav lift for quick access to the top level. The large (yellow) center tower has bridges that give players a quick high risk route across the middle while the hallways around the bottom of the map gives players a less frantic route around the map.



    Any and all comments and Feedback are welcome.

    Currently being playtested: Tuesdays @ 7pm EST in TCOJ Lobby Thread in Works In Progress Forums

    Inspiration: I recently re-played some Firefight on ODST.
    #1 AnotherClaymore, Aug 14, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2013
  2. Spencer Meister

    Spencer Meister Promethean

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    how big is the map?
  3. Maximus IL

    Maximus IL TCOJ

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    Played on this last night. The center was very nice. The hills on the perimeter, though, may be either too big or there is not quite enough cover . . . some of them got pretty insane. It would be nice to see how CTF and Slayer play on it.
  4. AnotherClaymore

    AnotherClaymore Forerunner

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    @Spencer not sure how to answer that, as the prefix states, it's sized for 2v2-4v4. But I think it could possible support up to a 6v6, but I'll have to test it and find out how hectic it gets with more players. We playtested a 4v4 last night and it felt like the right scale.

    @Max, Thanks man, last night was the first test, and the 'cover' or columns in the bottom 'ring' hallways were added last and will need to be added to or adjusted to provide better los blockers and give players more cover in those areas. Stay tuned for CTF tests, coming soon.

    I also noted that the bottom center hill was able to contest it from above, so I'll fix that. More tests to come...
  5. Maximus IL

    Maximus IL TCOJ

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    Played last night for CTF during TCOJ and I had a blast. I don't know if the better play was due to altered cover on the perimeter approaches to the base or simply the different gametype, but this map worked really well for CTF. I'd like to try KoTH on it again, too, to see if the same improvements are there as well . . . but at least for CTF, it's a very nice map.
  6. Juanez Sanchez

    Juanez Sanchez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Played tuesday 20th for TCOJ. Although we got horribly stomped upon it was a lot of fun. After several minutes distiinct tactics began to appear as well. The flag carrier would invariably go up the lift as this was the safest way by far, then across the top. Although the top is nice an exposed, it takes running up and around to cut off the flag runner, by which time theys halfway back. So perhaps the flag could be in a different spot, maybe in the front of the lift. But as far as competitiveness goes, its always very fast paced action, reminiscent of double helix. Always fun.

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