Waylyn Description: This is my introduction to Halo 4 forge. A room-based asymmetrical map making use of the natural geometry in Ravine; particularly the waterfall. This is a typical design from me in that the blind turns are a feature as opposed to fallacies. The map is paced but provides routes for those who would rather take more immediate action, however, be prepared to be punished for doing so. Routes usually lead to open areas, at least where ambushes are easy to set-up. Worth mentioning is the pair of two-way teleporters. They mainly function for cross map travel but can make for some interesting engagements. They're set-up in such a way as to punish teleport abuse and those who camp the teleporter entrance. It is fair to say 2v2's are more suited but 1v1's can be just as fun given the two players are evenly skilled. I wish I could speak highly of the weapon layout but truth is I'm not well versed with the weapon sandbox of Halo 4. In the end, the weapons placed work and that's the most I can ask for. One thing before the pictures, I have stopped planning maps out and simply forge most of the map(floor, layout, etc.) in one sitting in the morning. Something that isn't very important, but because of this, I'm very open to any criticism and feedback. Weapons: 1x-Sniper Rifle-3 min (Ordnance) 1x-Sticky Detonator-2 min (Ordnance) 2x-Pulse Grenades-20 sec (Ordnance) 2x-Plasma Grenades-20 sec (Ordnance) Pictures:
Good Lord this has had an overhaul since I played with you and Audi. This map is extremely fun and surprisingly fast-paced. I'd love to play it again when my suspension is up.
Sick, when I saw you said its your introduction to Halo 4 I had to back track after I saw the pics. You look like a H4 seasoned veteran with this map. Sexy indeed, I dl'd it and I'm gonna have to see it in person. I wish FI had the color schemes ravine has cuz this gives me all kinda of ideas that won't work on FI. Sweet forging, I'll get back to you after I check it out in game.
Looks good Career. Have you been working on this for a few months? I swear I saw this or something similar to it with Redemption a few months back. I'll run a 2v2 on here tonight.