4-8 Players Dharma - A Competitive CTF map *New version 8/17*

Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by RipShaDe 41, Aug 12, 2013.

  1. RipShaDe 41

    RipShaDe 41 Ancient
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    New Dharma "Dharma Island"


    Dharma Island Screenshots








    Dharma (Dharma Island): This map is a great CTF map that will always keeping you on the edge. Team work is a key factor on dharma. No sprint and no radar make this map feel like a classic. Please download Dharma and i bet you will enjoy a competitive match of CTF. *NOTE* Please give feedback if you have a thought.

    Thanks to all the forgers that gave opinions. Also thanks to all who helped test.

    Huge thanks goes out to A 3 legged Goat. He has helped me so much with my map. My map has been moved 3 times and I give him credit for helping me critique and test. Thank you goat.

    CTF (
    no sprint or radar)

    2x BR
    2x Plasma pistol
    2x carbine
    2x Dmr
    2 storm rifle

    2x plasma
    2x pulse
    4x frags

    Power weapon
    Sniper (gold bridge)
    Railgun (top green)

    Power ups:
    Overshield (bottom green)

    Plz test out my map and tell me if there are any issues. I do want constructive criticism and it wont hurt me if you are harsh. I need honesty so i can make my map better. Thank you and i hope you enjoy it =]
    #1 RipShaDe 41, Aug 12, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2013
  2. Auggie Burr

    Auggie Burr Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I highly recommend playing Ripshade 41's map. He did an excellent job on the layout and the overall feel of the map. I playtested it a couple of days ago and it ran fast-paced but smooth at the same time with very little flaws (Which i'm assuming he has fixed). Overall amazing map and I'm excited to see what he can do in the future, Download it and check it out! ++
  3. LaZy IrIsH

    LaZy IrIsH Promethean

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    I really like this map dude, I like how it has the upper game area and lower game area but there is enough cover from the rocks in the middle so the players on bottom dont feel like the people on top have too much of an advantage
  4. RipShaDe 41

    RipShaDe 41 Ancient
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    I'm glad you like it. I'm still in testing and some things may change but most things are final. What you just said is what i was trying to pull off. I wanted the map to have a bottom area where players can navigate without being dominate but still have enough room to have combat. If you play this map on CTF with no sprint then i know you will enjoy it.

    Make sure you download the competitive no v4 CTF no sprint gametype. I can add the gametype in a link if you like. Also the sightliness on this map are amazing, I am very glad how it came out.
  5. Goat

    Goat Rock Paper Scissors Scrap
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Glad to see you've posted this up here man! I've enjoyed watching your forging improve over the months and I truly believe this map is a testament of your progress.

    Playing NO SPRINT on this map felt like good ol' Halo again. It flows quite well and CTF provided some very fast paced, intense matches. You have great lines of sight and I feel like it works well for both competitive and less serious games. Layout-wise, I wouldn't change much at all.

    However, that's not to say there isn't room for improvement! In my opinion, I think the map would play a lot better if you made the following changes:

    Redesign Gold - I feel like Gold is very open and I'm often shot from several angles with not much cover to hide behind. Excessive cover isn't necessary, but I'd recommend some wider pillars. Experiment with arches using some of the ramps like you have now rather than the tunnel pieces. Similarly, I'd find a way to rework the "legs" you have going up to Gold so that the jump is more consistent. Skill jumps are good, but I've found that the lip you have sticking out from your platform makes it more difficult than necessary. Lastly, I would also take a look at bottom Gold. I'm glad you liked my suggestion for bottom Green and I think applying a similar design to Gold would also give it more love. It feels a little awkward and I think you can simplify it.

    Redesign Top Green - I agree 100% with your idea of bringing the flag carrier out in the open; however, as a result, people going up Green Lift are kinda SOL if it's contested. The drop downs are a good idea in general, but they don't help the guy in the lift itself. You may have to look into an alternative window design, and I did mention shortening the length of the window so that the person in the lift has less distance to travel before he's free to move horizontally.

    Add/Change some pieces - I'd make that jump from bottom Green to the cones a bit easier with a railing or something. I'd also replace the pillar and block that you have in each base with something more practical. They feel like throwaway cover, and while they're functional, I think they should be better grounded within the structure itself.

    Sword or Concussion Rifle? - I feel like the Sword is rarely used on this map. I'm not sure if you still kept it, but I thought switching for Concussion was a good suggestion. Alternatively, I think you could get away with a Railgun on this map. Something that's a bit more difficult to use but with good AoE that will help clear people off the top areas, counter your OS, and bring some attention to where you put it.

    Lower the top level a few units - I would do this mainly to make the lifts, "legs" and ramps less steep, but if you were to do this, my next [crazier] suggestion might be more attractive.

    Rebuild the map - I know you've rebuilt it a million times and this seems tedious and counter-intuitive, but it's something I would do for several reasons:

    Firstly, I feel like the middle rocks that you built the map around are actually going to hinder its potential. You seem to be using some rocks to balance them out and make them symmetric, but they are inherently awkward and don't make for good playable space. If this is by design then I can understand; however, I've attempted to use it several times to get closer to Green, jump into the bases, or get a jump on a flag carrier from the opposite end of the map. It feels like it's playable space, and I'd say 3/4 times that means it should be.

    The problem now though is that it's very difficult to stay on them and very easy to slide off, which is frustrating in firefights. The reason I would rebuild away from the natural rocks is so that you can create playable space in this same area, except using some of the tall rocks to forge it yourself. This will help you to make it smoother. That one suggestive bridge I added to Gold was an experimental way to handle this dilemma, but simply making more playable rocks would solve it. EDIT: Redesigning the middle rocks will also give you more room so that your "legs" up to Gold are more accessible.

    Another reason I'd do this is so you can push the map towards one of the cliff faces on the islands. Your Green area feels like it's coming out of the rock and I think having it sort of embedded in the natural one will give it some more backbone.

    Lastly, rebuilding will help you notice any holes you might have had in spawn zones or map geometry, and in doing so you'll naturally be smarter with your piece usage.


    Overall, this map has been fun to test and I look forward to seeing the completed design. I hope my suggestions will help you get there!
    #5 Goat, Aug 12, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2013
  6. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
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    Great feedback.

    I agree about the rocks. Reminds me of a Reach map that had the same problem... Midas? idk.

    @Ripshade It looks like Dharma is improving fast. I'm glad that you're taking feedback from so many angles :)
  7. RipShaDe 41

    RipShaDe 41 Ancient
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    Yes i have been taking so much feeback into account. I'm currently done with my map without the natural center and now i have so many options to add cover but still keep those sight lines in tact. Its looking really good but the task at hand is very challenging. Rebuilding my whole map was tedious but it opens up so many options now.

    Like i said I take feeback when its needed and i wouldnt have rebuilt the whole thing if i didnt think it was necessary. All the feedback I have gotten has only been great ones that will help improve my map.

    Thank you all and spin i would be glad to show you my recent transition to a new slate in the middle.
  8. Goat

    Goat Rock Paper Scissors Scrap
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Looking forward to testing the new version! I think the changes will help add some new gameplay options, like the redesigned side bases and the middle rocks.
  9. RipShaDe 41

    RipShaDe 41 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The new version of Dharma is live. The new version is called Dharma island in my fileshare. I have done many updates to this version.

    - Added a railgun to top green
    - Natural rock is gone and middle is now playable
    - Gold had a slight redesign
    - Lifts work way better
    - expanded green so you wouldnt fall off map from top green
    - Whole map is a lot cleaner
    - Middle rock has a flat top that is playable
    - Less clutter "old version had to much cover"
    - Made skill jumps easier
    - Fixed the gold legs "easier to get to sniper"
    - Distances between bases have been moved slightly closer

    Overall the whole map plays so much better. The bottom portion of the map has more room to navigate through the middle and the center rock structure has a pathway from gold to green where overshield is currently located. This map has had a complete overhaul and i would highly recommend downloading this version because its plays so much better.

    I also want to give a shout-out to A 3 legged Goat for working with me since the beginning and helping me make my map evolve into something greater. Thank you very very much goat.
    #9 RipShaDe 41, Aug 18, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2013

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