Well my original avatar was of a phoenix I made in photshop, then it myseriously disappeared and was replaced by a plush eagle. Then the next day I come to find that someone made my signature into another stuffed eagle. It's weird because I don't remember doing any of that stuff on my own, I must have amnesia about that part of my life, the five minutes it takes to change your signature and avatar. I guess I just don't remember. Maybe a moderator that has access to my account and the ability to change avatars and signatures could refresh my memory. While is being straithened up the rest of you folks can share the orgins of your colorful artwork in your avatars and sigs, or lack there of.
Well, I own a keytar. That's me over there on the left. I realize it's a pretty badly compressed picture, but whatever, I'll fix it later. As for my signature, it's just something put there to be nice. Originally I had the idea of putting a gif of these 2 dogs who hump, puke, and then eat the puke, but I got shut down. Under it, it was going to say "If you can watch two dogs hump, puke, and eat puke, that's more nature than most people get in a month."
Well my avatar is homer... holding a doughnut and my sig is something I made... however I really dont like it that much and need to make another. -Donuts
My sig was a question i asked to the author who came into our school he got pretty mad. my avatar is albert wesker the coolest resident evil villan ever
my avatar is lame so i wont go into details on it. but my signature was picked up from when i was playing some player matches in gears of war. this one dude was playing his first time playing gears, not saying much and he died in like the first 30 seconds. right after he died once he said "f*** this i'm going back to halo" then just abruptly left. it came out of nowhere and was followed by everybody laughing their asses off. i picked it up as my signature because i eventually went back to halo with the release of halo 3. it was just showing how there are two kinds of people, gears of war people and halo people. i can't be into both at the same time.
Well I like the Zune and I had the Zune sig so I thought that I would go with the Zune pic too I should write a book about that
My avatar is from an Anime called "Ghost In The Shell," IMO its THE best anime ever created in the history of all anime's...The Animatrix comes in at a close second, the reason its so good is because of the time and dedication the artists put into creating their masterpiece..the visuals are astounding, and the fact that it rids itself from all childish jokes that most animes are known for (the stupid "big head little body water mark on their forhead **** yelling at the top of their lungs type stuff) The picture istelf is a cover or "mark" if you will for a villan who has been come to be known as "The Laughing Man" in the GITS series. I just love the way he works..not in a psychotic sort of way.... My sig sucks..its the first four letters of my Gamertag, its my nickname actually...and it sounds kool...its pronounced.. LAHKSO btw..
The avatar is an old, silly picture of me that I photoshopped. For some reason I have neglected several oppurtunities to acquire a camera phone, and my digital camera and web camera are both broken. Signature is something I threw together in a few seconds just so I would have something. EDIT: Got the webcam working and took a NEW silly picture.
My avatar is just something I slapped together. My sig was a quote from someone who came onto the forums and said what he did in the shoutbox. I thought it was hilarious. Originally it didn't have -Zero Regretz in it but a mod added it in.
Avatar: I was playing on Halo Custom Edition on CMT: Snow Grove and editted in some words and a arrow on paint, my signature is just a composal of a Slogan from Sloganizer, I picked up the Squirrel Army Supporter, and I found this achievement generator thing.
my signature has been changed since my last post. its corduroy! i dont own a pair of jeans, only corduroy pants. i have a large collection of corduroy jackets (one of them being a classy blazer). i also previously owned two pairs of converse shoes, "corduroy chucks"
My quote has changed from Shock's enlightening talk of how the British are stuffed animals to TrueDark's, possibly drunk, admission of love for me.