4-8 Players Guerilla

Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by Chronmeister, Aug 9, 2013.

  1. Chronmeister

    Chronmeister Blockhead
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Gamertag: Chronmeister

    Optimal Player Count: 4-8

    Supported Gametypes: Slayer, KOTH, Extraction

    Ordnance: Sniper Rifle, Sticky Detonator, Scattershot

    Blue Team Initial Spawn (above)
    Scattershot Drop (90s)
    Blue Roof (above)
    Sniper Drop (120s)
    Red Roof (above)
    Red Team initial spawns under rock arch (above)
    Red Ramp (above)
    VView out from Red Ramp to Top Gold (above)
    Sticky Detonator Drop (90s)
    Top Gold
    View out from Top Gold/ Damage Boost Drop on center of right 4x4 tall (90s)

    Download it Here!<<<<<<<<

    Let me know how you like the map. Any Feedback would be greatly appreciated.

    Special Thanks for the great feedback I recieved from The Fated Fire, a Chunk and Squally DaBeanz
    #1 Chronmeister, Aug 9, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2013
  2. Juanez Sanchez

    Juanez Sanchez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Damn, Chron. That looks nice. You going to test it tuesday?

    P.S. Rocks seem to be very in vogue ATM... any meta on here?
    #2 Juanez Sanchez, Aug 9, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2013
  3. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    On one side you have an elevated position that's fairly exposed. On the other side you have less elevated positions with some cover. I'll be interested to see how that balance works out.

    The aesthetics are not bad, but not great either. I do like the fact that you built into the rock wall. It provides a very clear orientation point for players.
    I still see some minor issues with pieces not lining up as well as they could, and ramps extending out into play spaces farther than they should. In your 6th pic, the ramp coming up from that 1X1 Tall up to the higher platform is a good example. The top of it doesn't quite meet flush, while the bottom extends out a bit too far. Then, the Shallow Ramps you have flipped sideways directly underneath there don't meet up with the walls. Again, these are just minor issues, but they're also easy enough to fix.

    You've done a very good job of reducing the clutter that was present in a lot of your previous maps, and utilizing structure as cover instead of simply placing pieces to block lines of sight. There are only 2 areas where I would consider removing pieces. I would remove one or both of the 2X4 blocks on either side of the Sticky Detonator. Removing the one near the inside portion of that building would probably be sufficient. Having both of them there leaves that area feeling more claustrophobic than it needs to.
    I would also remove the Wall Corner's underneath the other red building. I don't think any cover is needed there at all. If you really feel you need something there, I would change it to something no larger than 1 unit wide (maybe a 1X1 Tall). The Wall Corners make it very possible that you could end up with some of those awkward encounters where one player sits on each side of them, waiting for the other player to make a move.

    Spawning looks good for the most part. I think you could probably add a few more spawns in the lower levels of your red and blue buildings, but that's not really a big deal. Maybe someone will correct me here because I've never used 'ctf respawn zone away' zones before, but I think you have them setup incorrectly. I think the Attackers zone should be on their side of the map, and same for the defenders. Also, they shouldn't cover the whole half of the map, but sections on either side of the flag spawn on their side of the map. Information is a little difficult to come by regarding those zones, but you can read a little bit about them here.

    That's all I have for you right now. I'm looking forward to seeing how this one plays.
  4. Squeak

    Squeak Promethean
    Senior Member

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    Chron add a railing on the rock ramp next to sniper, just kidding. This map is great, I love how the gameplay centers towards the middle of the map (red). Also, did you ever add something under the bridge that you could hide under? If you guys play this map you have got to pick up the DBoost with a BR, it is godly.
  5. Chronmeister

    Chronmeister Blockhead
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Good eye man. I updated the map with all of your suggestions accounted for. I didn't change spawns bc they worked well in the matches I tested so far, but if I notice any problems I will. I removed both 2x4's at sticky det, adjusted 3 ramps, and replaced the wall corner with a stacked 1x1. I also made a couple small aesthetic touches. Thanks for the feedback and I hope you enjoy it.
    #5 Chronmeister, Aug 10, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2013
  6. Chronmeister

    Chronmeister Blockhead
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yes, I filled in that gap with a ramp xl. It's funny how good at Halo you are, yet you were the only one who kept falling off the map in that location. :) I'm glad you like it and I hope to get some more matches on it with you soon.
  7. Zandril

    Zandril Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I remember playing on this map. For the most part, it seems like a fairly solid map. I wasn't too sure about the location of the sniper and 2x4s but a Chunk already covered that.

    I do remember having issues with the roof of Red. Getting on the actual ceiling is extremely easy even for those without a Jetpack because I remember something that players can jump on to get to the roof.

    But once they're on the ceiling, there's a soft kill. IMO, something that's as easily accessible as Red roof shouldn't have a soft kill. Perhaps add a trait zone or raise the roof?
  8. Chronmeister

    Chronmeister Blockhead
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I added some 4x4 talls to block off the roof of red base as you can see from the updated pics. So far this has kept players off. I also added some ramps to the roof of blue and a single sloping 2x4 to the roof of red to give cover in the form of height variation to players that are in a firefight between roof bases. I think that sniper spawn works well so far and I don't want to change it yet. I hope you get a chance to download the new updated version.
  9. Chronmeister

    Chronmeister Blockhead
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I will be testing it Teusday. I made some pretty big changes since we played on Saturday thanks to some great feedback. No meta symbols added yet, but I think the map may have a pretty good meta as is. I updated all the pics with the changes I've made. I moved the ordnance around a bit and switched out the shotty with a scattershot (some people are just too good with the shotty.) This may disappoint a few people, but I did it for balance. I also moved red teams initial spawn over to the rock arch. I think the flag locations still work where they are, but I think that is what I will test Teusday.
  10. LaZy IrIsH

    LaZy IrIsH Promethean

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    Pretty cool map dude, I like how there is like a blue hue at the lower part of the map because you built above the water, helps with the imersion.
  11. Maximus IL

    Maximus IL TCOJ

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    Yah, I was on the receiving end on Tuesday of people using the meta. I think nutduster was destroying me in all sorts of unexpected ways! It is a very cool map. I must leave the finer points to others, but I did have a question. What is the purpose of the rock outcropping with the jersey barriers around it? It seemed odd and a bit out-of-place.
  12. Chronmeister

    Chronmeister Blockhead
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Im not sure why you think this area seems out of place. I have red team spawn in this general area under the rock arch, but the whole area serves as a back route around red base. If you jump over the jersey barriers, you can land on the rock 4 I placed in the water. This is like a trick route for players waiting for someone to walk around the corner into red hallway. The barriers give the appearance of a map edge, but the rock 4 can be jumped on and used to confuse someone who is using their radar to help them get the first shot in. I also kinda wanted this area to appear beachlike and add some contrast to the map. The rest of the map is pretty enclosed, so I thought it would be nice to have a more open simple area. I think this area is pretty functional as is and it gets used every match so it definitely flows okay. Thanks for the feedback. If this area still bothers you, we can discuss it further in forge if you want. IMO this area looks good, but I am open to suggestions.
  13. Maximus IL

    Maximus IL TCOJ

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    This would be what I missed. Apologies. I saw barriers and thought "map edge". It's not that it bothered me . . . I was just wondering what it was for. And now I know. ;)
    #13 Maximus IL, Aug 14, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2013
  14. Chronmeister

    Chronmeister Blockhead
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I made a few changes after going through the map with Redemption1272. I also thought out some callouts for areas of the map that may have been hard to name. Here are the areas along with some pics of the updates.


    Top Gold now extends back toward the Blue Spawn area creating a counter position to Blue Roof
    Red Rocks
    Red Hallway
    Red Beach
    Top Red
    Red Roof
    I added a crate above the cave at Top Gold that provides cover from Top Red and Blue Roof
    Red Office (added desks and chairs)
    Blue Office
    Blue Roof
    Blue Beach

    I hope these changes make the map play better competitively.
    #14 Chronmeister, Aug 18, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2013
  15. Juanez Sanchez

    Juanez Sanchez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Definitely the most competitive map you have made, Chron. Seems to be built around fast-paced CTF from the ground up. Hope to play this a few more times before you move onto something new (which won't be long knowing you lol)...
  16. Chronmeister

    Chronmeister Blockhead
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I actually removed the CTF Gametype. It plays great for Slayer, CTF and Extraction, but I don't really think the flag routes are balanced enough to keep it. Sorry if this disappoints, but I don't want it on there if it isn't a fair match. I will definitely be testing this some more with TCOJ as my next project is for a much larger party size. See you Tuesday.

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