Map Title: Middle Ground Hold the middle ground. Download Map Description: This is a team based vehicle map, that turns rats nest into a U shape and has two symmetric bases facing off to hold the middle ground which prizes a tank. In order to properly secure the map i had to use teleporters to block off the door ways and they lead to a very sticky end. Players start out in the tunnels near the garage and lead to the main base. inside the bases you are safe from all vehicular attacks and you have access to a missile pod and other assorted heavy weapons. A gavlift outside each base offers a second way to get to the pipes. Each side has a forward position that can fire on the middle base. The middle base houses a secured tank and a hammer and a laser rifle . also the pipes lead to a bridge that pans the middle ground and holds the one SP-laser on the map.
welcome new forgehubber! this post does not meet standards, you need to embed your pics and have at least a description.
i prematurely hit the send button, i did edit it right away so it should be better soon, i would repost it but thats bad too
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If I was in that tank, I would be freaking out, looking back and forth every second. Good thing there are weapons to challenge the tank. Looks very awesome. A DL from me
this looks like a really fun map. it looks good also. the teleporters are good, the shield doors are good, the tank is awesome, the bridge above it is awesome too! really good job it looks like a really fun map
I would have liked to do more but there is no more money in the forge, i know about the infinite money glitch but i don't like to use them, all the money got eaten up sealing off the map and putting in the vehicles
Besides, if any more was done to the map, it would take away from the middle ground, which is centric to the gameplay.
wouldn't there be a problem if i took a mongoose stright through the teleporters or is that impossible for some reason? like a sheild door?
I have to say i was skeptical about this map at first but after playing it it was awesome. sort of like avalanche but smaller which is good makes for faster better game play, especially with the bridge over the tank ready to drop on anyone.