Alpine Symmetrical Colosseum Style Map 2v2 - 4v4 Players Slayer - CTF Gametypes Download Soon Center Area Red Courtyard Blue Courtyard Yellow Base Alpine is a symmetrical rectangular map with elevated structure in the center main combat area that connects the Yellow (neutral) and Green (Glass) Base. Red and Blue Bases are on both sides of the Purple Center Structure/Ramp. Slayer and CTF are the only gametypes currently avaiblible. More to be added soon. After some testing... Any and all comments and Feedback are welcome. Currently being playtested: Tuesdays @ 7pm EST in TCOJ Lobby Thread in Customs Games Forums
This plays really well. I think the power weapon spawns were well thought out, the spot at top mid didnt get used too much or camped at all. Its a bit awkward walking up them curved walls to the scattershot spawn however, they need smoothing out a couple degrees. Lots of vertcality too, and you could tell where the enemy was from the radar quite well i found. The only niggle i had was that you couldn't get out of top green when you went there for the binary rifle-maybe you could open up some routes from there as if you got caught up there it was hard to escape. Also i dug the crazy triple room walls, very unique.
I'll give it an download since I loved the aesthetics, you should improve the overall covers as well. I'll test it out and give you a better feedback bro, until them I'll say from the pics that it is playing middle/high to good balance. The yellow base have an nice geometry too.
Played TCOJ 6/8/13. We had a fun and quite tactical game of 4v4 CTF on here. It is a great layout but the bases seem a too close. The flag only went two ways- through the centre or round through bottom green, leaving yellow and it's ramps untouched. If you could pull the bases apart from one another it would stretch the gameplay too, and people might feel like heading different directions. As it is, you can't use top-mid to attack the flags, as you have to come back down to the bottom to climb back up to the flag spawn. That's a shame, as top-mid looks money. I think you should try joining the yellow side into the bases so that players have a mid-level route of attack- unless i am mistaken the only other way to attack is via jet-pack to the top corner of the bases and during the last few minutes we absolutely locked our base down. I would also like to see top green opened up as you can only go up there to the top ramp and it's effectively a dead-end. TL;DR: Good-looking, well built map with too few routes of attack for CTF. Bases need more access, top green needs work and possibly the bases are too close. If you can correct some of these it'll be a belter.
I liked this one, too. Like Juanez stated, the bases seemed to be a bit easy to defend . . . there were at least 2 times where I was able to hold off 2 much better players than myself because the routes to approach the flag stand are limited. And the flag zone might need tweaking - I remember someone grabbing our flag from underneath the stand. The ground floor of the bases is very nice . . . the second floor just needs more access.
Thanks for the feedback guys. I finally got around to making some changes, Looking forward to testing it again during this coming weeks TCOJ lobby. I agree with your critiques, I have applied most of them to the edits that I have made. Here’s a short list of some of the changes: Smoothed and lowered the Arc of the Upper Yellow base. Connected Green Base to the Center Structure. Added Ceiling, no more Jetpack abuse. Added Opening to top Red and Blue Bases to allow more access to the Flag in CTF. Adjusted Power Weapon Spawns for updated layout. Just an FYI, The large Rocks on the Yellow side allow crafty players a route into the top of Red and Blue Bases. I might lower them just a bit to make the jump a little easier to make, but I kinda like that you have to sprint/crouch to make it, so the flag has to take a longer route back to score.
Yes! That all sounds great! Looking forward to it. I will post a signup thread when i get back from work tonight, for this coming tuesday
In the game last night, I thought this played much better than before. The bases are still quite defensible, but they are no longer fortresses. I got turned around a couple of times, though. Yellow is unique, but green is similar to the blue/red bases. I think someone mentioned this in-game as well. Overall, this was a fun map.
I found this map really fun to play on. My only problem was that I found myself getting a bit disorientated when in the red and blue bases. You could maybe replace the walls a the back of one of the bases with a rock wall, this might help the player distinguish between the two. Other than that though, brilliant map!