Aneurysm Symmetrical Arena Style Map 1v1 - 2v2 Players Slayer - CTF Gametypes Download Soon Aneurysm is an arena style truly symmetrical map, all four bases are the exact same. Ramps in the middle lead to top and lower levels of each base, lifts centered inside give players a quick route up top. Drop downs are located in the corners of the map, encouraging vertical movement throughout the map. The open center area allow players cut through the high risk area, while outside hallways give players a less traveled flanking route. Any and all comments and Feedback are welcome. Currently being playtested: Tuesdays @ 7pm EST in TCOJ Lobby Thread in Works In Progress Forums Inspiration: I work as a Structural Concrete Drafter, I drew this on Monday, tested it Tuesday.
Pretty forging, but I can't really imagine this supporting 2v2 all too well... Strikes me more of a 1v1 warm up map to be honest. Maybe a small FFA as well.
Agreed. Also, remove the little ramps on top of the stunt ramps that lead into the grassy area at the bottom. They're really unnecessary.
I feel like the design could work but scaling it up would probably be a good idea and you may have to remove some of the diagonal lines of sight, thickening the 3x3 shorts should probably do the trick. If it's scaled up, those inclines (that eightball was talking about) could probably stay but it looks far too cramped otherwise.
Played 6/8/13, the map was fun and frantic. It's small but then we knew that before we got underway, and it wasn't helped along by the Regicide gametype where the king could be followed up every lift and a round every corner. It has a similar feel to double hilix, very much your style. High verticality throughout increases the size of the map, but it still felt pretty cramped 3v3. I know you like to gather lots of tests before you go dissecting your maps and re-editing them, so this was a pretty successful game in that respect. So; too small for 3v3 but fun nontheless, I actually agree that the small ramps slowed things up a bit and maybe they should go.
Yeah, 3v3 was ridiculous, haha. Despite the cramped nature of the game, I had some really fun fights between the upper and lower levels of the map. The small doors at bottom middle are particularly interesting to play around or against.
I echo the comments about the small ramps going away - I think that would be an improvement. However, without some LOS blocker, the middle might not get much action at all because it would be a death trap. Perhaps something small in the middle? Something jumpable - so it doesn't interfere with cross-map LOS on the second level but still prevents direct shooting from one lower level chamber into another. A second, more questionable suggestion would be to flip the lift orientation 180, put it up against the outside walls, and block the direct LOS to the exit of the lifts by something jumpable. That would achieve the goal of preventing you from getting shot from the corners immediately on exit, but keeps the play area in front of you rather than on both sides and would feel more open. Gives you multiple options for movement upon exiting the lift. Like I say, that may be a questionable suggestion. Overall, though, it was much fun to play on!
Thanks a ton for the feedback guys, I did go ahead and remove those steep ramps that blocked access to the middle from the bottom bases. Even though I enjoyed using them to quickly flank around vertically. They were definitely too wide for the opening. I will take a look at possibly adding some kind of center structure to prevent los from bottom base to bottom base. More testing is still needed, but 3v3 (especially with radar on in regicide, what was I thinking, lol) is still way too crowed for sure. We played a 4 person FFA (with no radar) later and it felt about right. Looking forward to playing a 2v2 on this, I think it’ll work great, but time will tell. If it still feels to cramped I’ll look at opening up the Lift rooms and maybe widening the paths around the outside a bit.