Oh hello forgehub. I had a really old account called allbroken2U that had some really nasty and ignorant comments towards people and I've grown up and want to start fresh. I think now ill just explain my whole halo forums/forge story. Ok so there I was halo 3 building maps like I dont even care and just making infection and cops n robbers maps for my friends. Then sandbox happened. I built a map (wow a map) and while I was testing a mysterious man with ungodly knowledge joined my game. OMFGITSBLAZE. There he was all golden with knowledge. He invites other people I've never heard of such as Insane54 and others. He threw some suggestions about my map on the spot. Blaze then told me about Monitor Built, a new halo forge forum. So I jumped on and threw some maps at people. Amazing while looking at other maps and tips and tricks I started actually doing things in halo. Yippie. So I was at Monitor Built for awhile and then we closed (so sad) and moved all over to Xforgery. I was at XF for idk a year or so till they shut down or have yet to comeback. So Halo: Reach was so bleh for me and I never released anything. I just never enjoyed Reach and thats that. So bam Halo 4 coming out im like (zomg all I care about is forge). I go away on a backpacking trip when it comes out. I come back and well well halo 4 right there. But not for another 2 months till I actually play that thing. Christmas I actually had time away from school to have free time. So there I am playing with a 14 day trial and doing halo like I did when I was 8. So after that 14 day trial I dropped Halo 4, didn't play it but I subscribed to Mr.Pokephiles youtube and after months of just watching things on there I saw my man Blaze. WWWWHAT its blaze? I thought he quit man? Well well well I was wrong. So I'm here and back, sorta since I never actully posted on FH. But HI I'M BROKEN and my GT is: iTzBroken I wassup.
Welcome back, Ser Broken. It is a pleasure to receive you. Should you require anything, just ask one of us staff about it and we'll do what we can. Other than that, i look forward to seeing you around the forums.