4-8 Players Fourth Point

Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by tom mulks, Aug 5, 2013.

  1. tom mulks

    tom mulks Promethean

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    Fourth Point


    4v4 Slayer and CTF

    i havnt posted any maps for the past few months now. i have a few iv been updating and changing for a little while now and this is one of them. will get out the others when i have the time. probably this week some time but they arent 100% finished. i havnt tested them or anything either, including this one.

    basic design. i wanted to create a map with multi levels that wasnt too hard to get up and down from.

    Weapons, Ordnance and Grenades

    Rockets - 120 second respawn.
    Beam Rifle - 120 second respawn.
    Sword - 90 second respawn.
    other - Bolt shot, DMR, BR, and Needler.
    Grenades - Frags only.






    hey guys made some updates on the map. a lot of them actually. saved like a bazillion dollars from my budget too.
    thanks a Chunk!

    Changes made
    - more respawns, including neutral respawns.
    - tripled the CTF team Spawning zones
    - more open space around the bases
    - opened up top area for better freedom
    - took out damage boost
    - basements are wider
    - more ways up and down from top middle
    - took out the elevations from each side of the bases when you head towards beam rifle and rockets.

    just made everything fit a bit better really
    let me know what you guys think of the changes.
    #1 tom mulks, Aug 5, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2013
  2. Zandril

    Zandril Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The map looks extremely white/gray. Even with the colored pieces.
  3. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    I generally don't like commenting on the color of the map when almost all of the available pieces are the same color, but in this case I agree with Zandril. The lower level was pretty disorienting because the floors and the walls seemed to blend together. Bottom mid going towards the Beam Rifle is the worst area. I would try to use darker pieces for the flooring there. Large Platforms or 3 Story Towers would probably do the trick.

    Overall, your piece usage can be cleaned up a fair amount. You're running out of budget and pieces because of some poor object use. I'm pretty confident in saying that you can reclaim a lot of those pieces and budget by going through and doing a bit of cleanup, eliminating pieces that aren't necessary, and replacing pieces with others that will fit better.
    Here are just a couple of examples:
    - Use some 45 degree angles for your exterior wall instead of using all 90 degree angles. You can reclaim several platform and wall pieces by doing that.
    - Where you have more than 1 2X2 ramp side by side, you can replace them with the bottom of a stunt ramp set at a 27 degree angle. Going from the Rocket area into each of the bases you have 3 2X2 ramps side by side (6 ramps total). You can replace those with stunt ramps and save yourself 4 incline pieces.
    - Remove unnecessary cover. The window pieces coming out of the 4X4 blocks around top mid are unneeded, and actually hinder player movement. The small railings at top mid are not needed. Instead of using 2 sets of column pieces side by side at top mid, just use one. Those changes alone would save you $440 on your budget, 4 wall pieces, and 8 decorative pieces.
    There are lots of other places where different pieces would be better as well. You've used a lot of railing pieces as flooring/walls, which eats up a lot of budget.

    Some things in general that could be addressed to improve the map structurally:
    - Scaling is off a little bit. I'm not sure if it's the width or the height (it's either too stretched out vertically, or not stretched out enough horizontally), but you've ended up with ramps sticking out into areas that should be open, which ends up hindering movement. In your bases, the stunt ramps almost meet at the base. There should really be at least a 2 unit gap between them. You can set a 2X2 block or ramp there to get an idea of how much room should be available for players to move between those ramps. In fact, it's a good policy to always leave players 2 units of sideways movement throughout the map.
    - I would get rid of the moguls. In the corners of your bases you have ramps that go up, have a 1 unit wide flat spot at the top, then go back down to the previous elevation. Either maintain the higher elevation all the way around the corner, or just eliminate that elevation change altogether.

    - Team Spawns. Team spawns are not a good idea unless you ONLY want the map to play CTF. Setting respawn points to a particular team can seriously mess up how spawning works in Slayer or other asymmetrical gametypes. The best policy is to just always have all your respawn points be neutral instead of designating them to a particular team.
    - Respawn locations. There are not enough of them, and they can be placed in better positions. With the current positioning, a good team that understands how spawning works in this game could do some major spawn killing right now. I would place some respawn points on the sides and lower levels of the map instead of having them all in the bases.
    - Respawn Zones. For Capture the Flag, I would highly recommend duplicating each of your respawn zones twice so that you have 3 on each side (six total). It's the only surefire way to know that players won't spawn on the wrong side of the map. I would also highly recommend setting your respawn zones to work only in CTF gametypes, but many people would say that's a matter of personal preference.

    I think Rockets, Beam Rifle, Sword, and Damage Boost is a bit too much for this map. I would recommend choosing 2 or 3 power weapons/powerups at most.

    This is a difficult map for me to give feedback on. There are enough things that I like about it that make me actually want to leave some feedback, but there's also a decent amount of things I see that I don't care for much. It's nice to see a multilevel map. If anything, you have too many elevation changes, but I'd rather see that than not enough. Work on smoothing out the connections between the levels. Work on your piece usage to get the most out of your budget and to make the map easy to navigate. Address the other areas I've brought up in whatever way you feel comfortable.
    If you end up making some changes to the map, I'll try to check it out and offer some additional feedback.
  4. tom mulks

    tom mulks Promethean

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    a chunk
    thanks for all the feedback man! i wont reply with a long message. instead i will go back to the map and fix some of the things that you have pointed out and see what happens :) i really appreciate you having a look! thanks!
    will let ya know when i finish updating it.
  5. tom mulks

    tom mulks Promethean

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    still havnt tried making the map less grey. enjoy the update. feedback would be swell!
  6. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    This looks much improved from the pictures. Nice job. It looks much smoother with the change to the corners of the bases, and how they connect to top mid. Even using the large platforms for walls in the green basement helps improve the contrast there quite a bit. I'll take a look in forge when I get a chance, and come back with anything else that stands out to me.

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