I made a map. It's very mappy. Here's a preview. Carmine is a fast-paced, 1v1 map with a specific design in mind- The top platform is a control point. Gaining control of the top platform is the idea for players, but it will be hard to keep with multiple sight-lines, a OS spawning at bottom mid, and a sniper in one of the lower rooms. I'm out of time, but I'll be back to add more details.
I get why it's called Carmine. It's very red. Looks awfully nice- the centre look very unique. Will you be submitting this to any testing lobbies?
UGLY. JUST LIKE HALO 4. jk ily Get on my friends list (I don't think you're on it? Not sure if you removed me?) and let's play. I'm assuming this is 1v1/2v2?
OMFG I thought you dropped off of the face of the earth. Welcome back to the forging community Eightball,
Welcome back, Eightball. The design looks interesting, especially the middle, but i cant figure the rest out very well. Overview or more screens would be cool. Hit me up for testing if you like, or if you just want to slap me around. My one complaint is purely visual and personal preference, I don't like your 2x2 steep flooring.
@Juanez. Thanks. I might have to submit it for testing. @Spin. I will add you, and yes this is a 1v1 map. <3 @Redemption. Thank you, thank you very much. @Audience. Thanks, and I will add you for testing. As for the flooring, I'm not too much of a fan of it either. I might mess around with other pieces to see what else could work. Also, I'm updating this thread with details on the map, and a DL link soon for ya'll to see.
Looook who's back. How was your year off of forging? Haha. Shoot me a friend request if you want to get a match on this. It definitely looks nice but you might need to pretty up those teleporters once you're comfortable with the design, I'm sure you have the budget. Gamertag is Whos Blaze incase that's not the one I had last time we were friends.
I'll agree, the steep ramps suck for flooring on Ravine. They look much cleaner on Forge Island. It's just 343 and their big ideas with asymmetrical textures. As for that middle, that idea with the 4 bridge diagonals at different heights just seems odd. It's like a cleaner and smaller-scaled alternative to connecting them with ramps. I could see the flow still being fluid though. And if I'm not mistaken, it doesn't look like there's a way out of bottom mid except for the first level platform. I'm just looking at screenshots here, but I'd recommend making a route under the highest platform and somehow making it flow toward the player's left (so towards the 2nd highest level), even if it is a 1-way lift or something. If that wasn't clear, maybe I could download the map tomorrow and think of an idea. Good to see you forging eightball, I can't imagine how many gamertag changes it has been.
There's 3 ways out of bottom mid. I'm going to add you tonight, and we can discuss the map sometime. Thanks, Bean.
It was a nexn map in halo reach. Its mostly the middle atrium I am talking about. It is like little luca because luca is much larger than this map and meant to be played with jetpacks.
As long as you don't change your GT too often, that's why I removed you lol My GT is IKorlash (with an i at the front). Feel free to add me.