For the past 5 years, I have been a fairly active member of the community here, though not nearly what anyone would call popular by any means. I have gone through multiple name changes, and thus some of you may have known me and not even realized it. In 2008 I was introduced to this forum by a friend, and registered under the same name as my gamertag; Reigning Chaos, it would be the following year on my birthday that I decided to have a name change to RC, this became a trend and I subsequently would change my name once a year, around the same time of year. I went from Reigning Chaos, RC, Rook, Hachiman, and finally I stopped at Aschur. During my time here with Halo 3, I made some good friends that I will likely continue to keep touch with even after this site, or halo, bites the dust. However, in recent years I have taken a look at my life and realized I have yet to do anything with it, of any significance. As a result of this, I decided to make a change in my lifestyle and join the Airforce, and on august 6th I will be leaving for basic training. I am here writing this today, because even after I am out of basic training, I will likely have significantly less free time to post or just wander around the forum here, let alone play halo as much as I do right now. So, for all intents and purposes, I am leaving the site with a goodbye. Please know that this is my decision, and it was not affected by the new management and the slightly bumpy ride we have been on since the transition. I do not know if this will be for good, but I do know that I will probably not be posting maps anymore, I will try and post the maps I have done for halo 4 in the coming days before my departure and I hope you all enjoy them as much as I enjoyed making them. Farewell for now my friends. I hope you all the best in your lives, and hope to return here eventually.
Considering that I am going to be working on radio equipment, I will probably be going somewhere isolated, or in eastern asia. I am personally hoping for South Korea or Maine. Montana is nice though, at least the areas I've been to.