8-12 Players Discover

Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by X2Sora, Jul 15, 2013.

  1. X2Sora

    X2Sora Halo 3 Era
    Senior Member

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    Discover is a 4v4 oriented symmetrical map and is my newest project. The main basis and idea behind the map's layout is to create long but limited sight-lines with unique confrontations when contesting for power weapons. The map's current power weapons are a neutral rocket launcher, neutral sniper rifle, and two railguns. Below are a few screenshots highlighting some of the more important parts of the map.

    Here is a picture of middle/gold/rocks/whatever you want to call it.

    Initial spawn/base/railgun spawn

    Exit from gold lift/rocket spawn. The lift will more than likely be changed to a hard route because I feel the forced one way nature of a lift will make that area a death trap.

    Here is a picture of the overall layout.

    Hope you guys enjoyed enjoyed reading and looking at my map preview. As always I am open to feedback, and as the map was made just yesterday I am sure the map will be needing tons of it. I will also be needing help to test the map so if anyone would like to help with that, send me a message letting me know.
    #1 X2Sora, Jul 15, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 1, 2013
  2. Noooooch

    Noooooch Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This looks like an interesting map. Second picture looks really neat and the map looks mostly spacious throughout.

    Does this need to be moved to WIP?

    EDIT - Nvm, it is clearly a map preview.
    #2 Noooooch, Aug 1, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2013
  3. Juanez Sanchez

    Juanez Sanchez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    We played this 28/7/13. This was an absolute blast sora. Well done for creating somethin so large-scaled that worked so well for our modest 4v4 party. Flanking routes were exceptional and the paths were very cleverly layed out. I just began to figure it out towards the end of the game, but now i think back i feel unsure as to quite how all tthe areas linked up. We got a couple of bad spawns here and there but excellent overall for a first test. The centre area looked good but i didn't see many ppl crossing it. I think it looked more dangerous than it was. But the LOS across top mid was very good, allowing one to shoot across into the other base without giving too much field of vision. Please bring this back with you for a few weeks, its awesome.
  4. Zandril

    Zandril Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yeah I had fun in this map. I remember making just one complaint which was more ease in dropping down from the bases to the bottom center by walking through the door pieces.
  5. Maximus IL

    Maximus IL TCOJ

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    I'm glad the other guys posted here, because I forgot the name from when we played on it. But I remember the map well. Of the maps we played, this one was the most unique playing experience. Very memorable - in a good way. Now that I see Zandril's comments about the doors (I think they were braces?), I remember that as well and concur with his recommendation. I also think your idea about changing the lift to hard connections would make it better. My only other recommendation would be about the rocks . . . that area had a cramped/awkward/something feel to it which led me to avoid it for the most part. I think it would help to rework that area a bit. The rest of the map flowed very smoothly.
  6. xdemption

    xdemption ATN
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    could I get a download of this map? wanted to feature it for Community Forge Lowdown as it looks pretty BA
  7. X2Sora

    X2Sora Halo 3 Era
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for moving this to the WIP thread Nooooooch. I really appreciate it. Also thank you to everyone who helped test in the TCOJ lobby and gave feedback. The map is still undergoing changes and all your feedback will be taken into consideration. I do agree about the lack of good spawns and lack of movement through middle, but it sounds that my overall approach with the map's sight lines worked out. So I may redo the map's overall design a slight touch.

    @ dhg redemption - At the moment the map is not ready to be featured. It has just entered its first week of testing and will be undergoing some major changes. If you would still like to feature the map after it is complete, I would be more than happy to let you do so.

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