Decayed - erosion map variant

Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by LaZy IrIsH, Aug 1, 2013.

  1. LaZy IrIsH

    LaZy IrIsH Promethean

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    Map Name: DECAYED* by MiCkEy O rOuRkE
    Game-types supported : FFA slayer, koth, oddball, and red vs blue vs green in slayer
    Amount of players : 6-8 players

    WATCH VIDEO HERE: <font color="#BDCEE9"><span style="font-family: Helvetica Neue">[video=youtube_share;htF6LiD9Z7c][/video]


    DOWNLOAD HERE: File Browser Halo Official Site

    Description: This is a medium sized map which works well for king of the hill and slayer, but also other game-types. It has a road around the outside of the map which teams can control using the warthog provided at the centre of the map. The crane contains a sniper and a teleporter which is connected to the other side of the main central building. there is also a man cannon on top of the green over hanging bridge and a broken piece which can be crouch jumped to from the raised platform on the bridge for a silent approach. There is a raised platform at the end of the crane walkway to prevent campers from hogging the sniper.


    There is a concussion rifle spawn opposite the crane above the upper highway on the upper platform. This can be reached by traversing the the steps of the tower or by jumping into the man cannon at the centre of the map. At the top most part of the map there is a human mounted turret which can be used to combat the warthog as its racing around. This spot is open to fire from the concussion rifle position because they can use the pipes as cover.


    Behind the turret there is a walkway which goes around behind the building and leads to a little perch where a battle rifle can be found, and following the path round towards the blue spawn base there is a covered bunker placement where a random ordnance drop appears containing a shotgun/ scattershot/ sword/ hammer combo. There is also a few little jumps spots for parkour style players including the aerial which can be used to jump from the bunker straight to the teleporter in a few seconds.


    At the centre of the map there is a sticky det spawn and the warthog spawn. Players need to take care at the centre of the map because there are so many good firing positions to get ambushed by, the movement is very fluid in this area because the amount of jumpspots and ledges I have added. There are 3 different oddball respawn positions here as well as a couple of king of the hill locations. Through the shield door players can find a needler.


    The walkway from the centre leads between two silos and connects to the base below the crane through the passage with a shield door.


    Through the shield door at the centre of the map an alley with a ramp which connects to upper highway. There is a man cannon on the platform below the crane which throws the player on top of the green overhanging bridge and then players can jump in the secondary man cannon on up to the crane or use the crouch jump. Players can also get on top of the bridge by jump crouching from the highway barricade and through the cover crenelation.


    Here is the spawn, weapon, warthog, teleporter and ordnance locations on an overview of my map. I hope you have fun playing the map and I would like to thank ZANDRIL and MOOSE93 for giving me feedback and helping me improve my map. My gamertag is MiCkEy O rOuRkE, add me if you need help play testing a map or just to play with me. I also have other maps which i need help play testing and getting feedback for on my fileshare, hopefully i will get to do that in the near future.


    Attached Files:

    #1 LaZy IrIsH, Aug 1, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2013
  2. Zandril

    Zandril Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It appears as if Red's closer to both the Sticky Det and the Concussion Rifle while Blue is closer to the Sniper. I suggest that you make Red and Blue team's initial spawns equidistant from the power weapons.
  3. LaZy IrIsH

    LaZy IrIsH Promethean

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    The weapons are equidistant, if u use the middle man cannon as blue team it launches u up to the concussion rifle while the red team must traverse the tower steps or if u just use a jetpack same aount of time. The red team can go through the teleporter as well to get to the sniper so the time is equal and the sticky det is i dont no if its because of the overview it takes the same amount of time for all teams to get to it. There is pillars in the way of the red team and the blue team runs around the silo were as the green team has a straight run to it.

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