Reactor v1

Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by HeyLetsRace1, Jul 29, 2013.


How is this Map?

  1. Bad, Needs lots of Work

    2 vote(s)
  2. Alright, Change some things

    1 vote(s)
  3. Good, Almost Perfect

    0 vote(s)
  4. Amazing, Great Work!

    0 vote(s)
  1. HeyLetsRace1

    HeyLetsRace1 Promethean

    Likes Received:
    Hey guys Race here with my second map. If you haven't seen the first it is Footstep. Well thanks for clicking on the Thread, here are the details of my new competitive map, Reactor.

    R​eactor- Well this map is very different compared to my last competitive map called Footstep. Instead of going outdoors and getting more of a terrain feel I decided to make an indoor map with lots of verticality, CQC, and fast paced action. I did a very symmetrical style map so it is very competitive. The backstory to this map is that you are trying to control the Core Reactor which powers almost all UNSC bases on Requim. Due to the fact that this map is very small and completely inside it was difficult to get good pictures. I will try to bring some to you guys soon but for now this was what I was able to get. Be sure to download and MSG if you want to play Halo Custom Games.
    Works with CTF and Slayer Varients!

    [​IMG]Looking Down Center into Core Reactor

    [​IMG]This is a shot of what blue base looks like.

    [​IMG]This is red base. Same exact layout as blue but this is from a different angle shot.

    [​IMG]Another shot into center

    [​IMG]Best I can do to make an overview. There is also two paths you are not seeing in this picture below the camera.

    Be sure to DOWNLOAD and RELPY with FEEDBACK
    #1 HeyLetsRace1, Jul 29, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2013
  2. t507 771t5

    t507 771t5 Forerunner

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    This map looks very bland, but I like the look of the central area. That area could have some interesting battles. Also, this map looks cramped and probably too small for a game of 4v4. I think the best think you can do to improve this map is, from a gameplay standpoint, make sure the main pathways are wide and easy to maneuver, while still providing cover. Try and place spawn points in areas where there is good cover and that also leads the player back into the map. From an aesthetic standpoint, try and incorporate some sunlight and try to use blocks that blend together well. All the different types of building blocks you used for the floor make it look sloppier than it has to. Even just looking at some maps on here can give you some good ideas on how to put your map together better.
  3. HeyLetsRace1

    HeyLetsRace1 Promethean

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    Thanks for the feedback. Im waiting to see what people say about the two maps I've posted to get a sense on what my third one to be. Im new to these kind of maps built with lots of blocks. Not sure what to call them other then Competitive maps.
  4. HissingWings

    HissingWings Promethean
    Senior Member

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    I agree that the map looks pretty bland, it would be hard to orient your self on the map so I would suggest coloring a few of the blocks in each area so players know where they are. Also I think you should get rid of the second set of wall coliseums as walls and remove the roof if there is one, just to make it look better. Design wise it looks pretty solid
  5. HeyLetsRace1

    HeyLetsRace1 Promethean

    Likes Received:
    Thank you for the feedback. Before I make my next map Im touching up on my first two maps. I'll be sure to update this one later today.
  6. HeyLetsRace1

    HeyLetsRace1 Promethean

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    Ok Guys, thanks to some feedback I changed some big things that seem to be a common problem with the map. I now give you Reactor v2 and the changelog with pictures and new download link which is right here.
    New Download Link: File Share Halo Official Site

    -Opened up the map and made it have a nature feel
    -Eliminated some objects that made the map feel tight
    -Moved some spawns due to object changes
    -Added a trait zone to prohibit jetpackers from leaving
    -Added a few kill zones

  7. t507 771t5

    t507 771t5 Forerunner

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    I downloaded v2 of this map and I have got to say this looks 10x better than v1. It’s amazing what some sunlight can do. A little tip, when you use trait zones as roofs the best way to do it is remove abilities and set movement to 0% as well as what you did. Either Way, there is a section on the roof, one that’s fairly easy to get on because of the brace tunnel, where a player isn’t affected by the kill barrier. Also, most maps use neutral spawns and I believe that would be help this map.

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