Hi, im working on a forge map and i need some experienced forgers to check out my map and tell me what they think. I have a lot of time into it and i promise its not a waste of time. Its a competitive map that looks great ATM. So please if any forger would like to see my work and help me out then i would be very pleased. My gt is RipShaDe 41. Message me when you add me telling me we where you are from. Just say your a forger from forgehub. Thank you =] here are a few pictures of my map. If you would like to help me plz message me or add my GT. thank you guys.
For best results please post a preview thread in the WIP section which serves as a place to get feedback and find testers to help you make your map better.
Im sorry you misunderstood what im asking. My map isnt ready to preview or test. I'm looking for other forgers opinions/criticism so i can progress my map so that i can preview it at one point. I'm looking for forgers to join me and help with my progression. Thanks for trying to help. I need people to help though.
That be the case, post a screen cap or two in the WAYWO thread and see if it turns some heads. Most forgers are a little hesitant to help some one out with a project without even seeing a teaser to what it is.
So you want me to post some screen shots of my map and upload them so others may see it to decide if they want to help? I see what you mean. I just figure a couple minutes of someone’s day wouldn’t hurt for them to check out my map. I will make a new thread. I mean i cant make a preview thread because i dont even have a name for my map and its not finished. Its close but i just want someone to look at it and see its potential. Thank you very much =]
RipShaDe... You're on waypoint correct? I remember that name from somewhere... Anyway, if you're looking for someone to just give it a quick runthrough, I've got an entire thread dedicated to that over at waypoint (that I can link you to if you want) and would be more than willing to help with whatever you need. Also, you could PM A Virtual Duck (who is on forgehub) who was a tester over on the waypoint thread. Other than that, the "What are you working on?" or "WAYWO" thread over in one of the other subforums would be a good place to get some assistance.
i don't think its about the map being worth helping more if you, the forger show signs of listening and accepting what people say because nearly all the time forgers, old and new will come a long asking for help, advice and such only to completely ignore it, argue it and take it as an attack, this is usually because said person is expecting nothing but positive pats on the back. if you're willing to listen and learn instead of taking things as an attack then i think some people might be willing to help.
Oh trust me, i wont take and feeback as "a attack". I just want to see what people think and for some help with lining things up. I will add whoever helps in my description when the map is finished. I'm not a pro forger but im not terrible. I'm not perfect with aligning things with coordinates. I do a decent job but i really just want people to see my vision of my map and for them to be honest. Like i said im not a pro but im willing to listen. thank you sir =]
You're sure, right? There have been countless times where people have said they'd take feedback and then turn their threads into rants about how the testers hate them for some reason. I would recommend posting in WAYWO and seeing how things go. I'd also recommend adding a few pictures from player perspectives as we have no idea what the interior of the map looks like ATM.
im currently getting new pictures but i would really like to talk to someone and have them go through my map with me and help. I want physical in-game help along side showing more of the map.
Thank you almond for helping me with some feedback that i truly needed. I will make some suggested ideas and see how they work. Thanks again.