
Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by Audienceofone, Jul 30, 2013.

  1. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    It has taken about four months between this and all the failed maps that led to this one, but after scores of tests, I can finally announce the final version of Xiphos. For my third map in Halo 4, I decided to go smaller, designing for one versus one games. Inspirations came all the way from the Counter Strike maps Dust and Dust 2, a little influence from Hushed Behemoth's fantastic (and recently improved) 2v2 map Traverse, and from the Mass Effect 3 map Firebase White. However, the influences quickly faded after the first half hour of forging though, and the map took on a life of its own.

    Xiphos is a small map aimed at providing a fluid environment and promoting movement across the five sections. Myriad short and medium lines of sight are spread across the map with arguably three long expanses cutting through them that the sniper rifle makes great use of. Control of an area or weapon will only get you so far though, as your opponent can flank or deceive you quite effectively here. Power weapons are not the only thing to contend for either, as the ever-useful suppressor excels at taking out foes in the numerous close quarter areas as well, and the extra grenade on the bridge can easily make your next encounter turn in your favor.

    Xiphos was honored to be the second map in the Halo Customs 1v1 Unity tournament. I worked on the competition for a while with Dax, and cannot say how great its been to both work on the competition and provide a map for it. Tedium wrote a wonderful article and Dax provided a fantastic video for it, for which I would just like to thank both of them. You can view Dax's video from The Halo Network below.

    I have tested this map for use with the Unity 1v1 V3 gametype by Doju (due to the testing for the tournament mentioned above), which boasts some quality competitive settings. That being said, any similar gametype will work as well, the only suggestions I have would be that radar and personal ordinance are off, and loadouts are not the customized ones used in infinity matchmaking but rather consist of only one grenade and any of the four precision rifles, no sidearm. I have found these settings, already in the Unity gametype above, the best for both this map and near every other 1v1 map I've played.

    Note: Sniper Rifle and Sticky Detonator are both drop-spawned

    I would like to thank all those who have helped me produce the final version of Xiphos. To those who tested, I am incredibly grateful. Even when you had little to comment on, I looked at how the game went and altered things I didn’t like. To the following:

    You were in the first test, and without that my spawning would still be predictable and the light (sniper) room would never have existed. That was an incredibly important part of this map’s development, and you continued to provide help testing afterwards. I cannot tell you how important all this has been to the production of Xiphos.

    Your support and assistance in testing has been invaluable. You brought several great suggestions to this map and it would not be nearly as good without your input. From start to finish, from spawning to structure and weapon placement, you were there helping me along the way. Even in the little things, you insisted change if they were not perfected. You even approached me the night before its release, after I was all ready to go, bringing new ideas to the map. This is why the images and your video are not completely up to date. Those who download will find a surprise tac-jump thanks to your insistence. I hate you a little for it, but I also cannot thank you enough.

    You may not have spent a lot of time helping me here, but you really got me thinking about my weapons. I juggled some things around several times after talking with you, racking my mind for some solution to the weapon layout issue that you insisted existed. I owe the great alteration of sticky detonator, precision rifles, and pulse grenade to your comments.

    Urban Myth
    The dark speed boost room has never worked better since you joined me. The white room’s bridge over sniper has improved the flow of this map and I finally made that jump from suppressor spawn ledge to the dark room hall easier. Your suggestions were massive and daunting to think about, and each one helped make this map so much more interesting to play on. It was incredibly enlightening to hear your feedback, and your ideas changed how the map played drastically. I owe huge changes to your feedback, and I just wanted to thank you one more time.



    Again, thank you to not just those I specified, but to all who touched down on Xiphos while testing was going on. It was fantastic to hear all of your thoughts and incredibly difficult at times to accommodate for the issues you had with it. Still, it’s only at this point now because of all of you.

    #1 Audienceofone, Jul 30, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 8, 2013
  2. Behemoth

    Behemoth The Man With No Face
    Senior Member

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    Mushy post is mushy.
    This map is seriously awesome. I don't think I've ever seen you work so hard on a map before, and your hard work has definitely payed off.
    I was going to b*tch at you for posting this so far before Zephos was released, but then I saw I was mentioned and I got all soft (heh heh).
    Great job, man.
    #2 Behemoth, Jul 30, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2013
  3. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    hahaha, I needed to release it before Zephos for the tourney, man. Speaking of which, We need to play that map again. Like... really soon. Unfortunately the soonest I can get on Halo again is thursday night, but not too late.

    Thank you for all your help and the kind words, Behe.
  4. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I feel like this map is too big and flat for 1v1s. Also don't like the little doodads for every effing weapon. Really feel this map is best for 2s.
  5. Juanez Sanchez

    Juanez Sanchez Ancient
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    I must admit sadly i only got to play one game on this very very carefully crafted map, but it was utmost enjoyable. You did a great job utilising the glossy Ravine pallette to create surfaces and contrasts not seen before. The one vs one i played seemed perfectly paced IMO, not sure but i reckon it would support 2v2 anyway.
  6. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    While I've never attempted a 2v2 here, I cannot say that I think it would go over well. Its a slightly larger 1v1, yes, but its a tiny map when I think about a 2v2. Also, stop hatin' on may doodads. They're informative and pretty.

    I've created surfaces and contrasts not seen before? Good to know! Thanks for the kind words, Juanez, I appreciate it.
  7. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
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    I like them being on the power weapons and stuff, but it seems a little excessive when they're used for things like grenades. IDK, this superficial opinionated stuff, whatever :p
  8. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
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    But remember, "the extra grenade on the bridge can easily make your next encounter turn in your favor." If the grenade wasn't on the image, you wouldn't have known it was there! It might just hand you the win in round 2! :p
    #8 Elliot, Jul 30, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2013
  9. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
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    wut? The grenades could just have been placed in the middle of the bridge.

    Also @ audience had a game on this, it was actually quite slow. Most of the kills were when both players rushed the weapons as they were spawning. 150 secs was pretty long.

    The three room design seems like it will be suitable for 2v2 (if players are in two of the areas, players will spawn in the third).

    I also had a few bad spawns when I was looking down long Los, saw my opponent's feet.

    Overall it was decent but it seems like this could have used more test games.
  10. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    Really? I never encountered any of those issues. Sure, the occasional game was a tad bit slow, but the rest...

    Maybe I'll have to revisit this. Maybe I was blinded my by own non-competitive style of play. :/

    I also can't help to feel that for this to play a good 1v1, it only goes slowly when playing a defensive game. The map is built to make the player offensive, and this make that player move. I don't feel like this can be played like other 1v1s can, holding a position until your enemy comes by or even two positions. Still, I know that is how some people like to play, and if they try that here it might be a slower game.
    #10 Audienceofone, Jul 30, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2013
  11. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Play space wise, yes the map is small and fittingly scaled for 1v1s, however the manner in which the play space is laid out is not. Due to the map being relatively flat in nature (lacking vertical elements), it actually plays a lot larger than it really is. The map is simply too large on a horizontal plane to adequately support 1v1s. Additionally, I'd go on to say that a map of this sort is relatively flat, and such styled maps are generally less enjoyable to play as a whole. Condense the map on the horizontal plane and integrate more vertical elements to it and you'll have a superb map for 1v1s. Until it's nothing more than a lack luster experience.

    And yes, the doodads are annoying. They're clutter really. Use 'em only for the power weapons. In their current use, they detract the players attention from more important details on the map. They actually remind me of earlier in H4 when every forger and their mother used Ordinance Drops for every weapon on the map. It's simply over kill.

    As to 'only playing slow on a defensive game', may I play the devil's advocate here and question why any one would want to play aggressive when they've already achieved as little as a 2 point lead? A map that allows a player to successfully play defensively is not an adequate map for competitive 1v1s. This map allows such a play style to occur because of it's horizontal nature as it makes traversing the map (which features some pretty long and open sight lines btw) a significant time sink.

    Hope that helps explain my issues with the design man. Not trying to hate here, as I'm sure you already know, just trying to explain why a map of this particular design plays the way it does. Of course the enjoyability factor to a player is subjective, but the notes on competitive merit (defensive play particularly) are more factually rooted than not.

    HMU on XBL if you'd like some help redesigning this.
  12. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    I really appreciate your time spent explaining yourself some more. I cannot ignore your points (as I've had rare instances when slow games occurred), and while I find I like the map as is, I am contemplating making a second version with these thoughts in mind. Once I get that potential version started I'd love to get your feedback on it. Until then, thank you for your input, and I'll consider it when approaching the possible redesign. I still need to figure out if I'm even doing one, first; and if so, how I will go about it.
    #12 Audienceofone, Jul 31, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2013
  13. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
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    jeez, i just quoted you and deleted your post so that it would give you a notification.. but I just realized you don't get notifications for quoting :(

    Feel free to hmu as well, I'm more than willing to help.
    #13 theSpinCycle, Jul 31, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2013
  14. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    I feel like the map is segregated enough to play 2v2 but the longer lines of sights in each segment would leave people trapped in the room they are in. Every match I've played on here has ended before the time limit was hit about 6-7 minutes tops, so though it it slower sometimes it's definitely not too slow or big for 1v1s to be exciting.

    My only complaint would be when you are in the left hall, your choices are a little bit too straight forward. Adding a set of crates just above the picture of the dmr would allow you to have slightly more cover to jump on and hide behind as well *** jump into the middle elevated doorway on the left.

    Heres the layout picture so you don't have to scroll back and forth.

    I also noticed the spawning issue someone has mentioned where you can see the players feet after spawning but I don't feel like it is a real issue. If you have even remote awareness of whats going on, you should be able to tell where the person is after you respawn anyhow.

    Edit: I played my matches earlier and noticed you put a block there. :) Though i noticed I can manipulate spawns really well and force players to spawn in sniper, may way to look into that. haha.
    #14 Blaze, Aug 4, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2013
  15. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Quite a beautiful map, Audience. You've come a long way as a forger. I'll definitely have to take a look at this one.
  16. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    I feel like at this point, a Xiphos 2 is inevitable*. It won't be the same layout, but it should be the same basic theme of a few rooms and bridges and such. That being said, thank you for your kind words and suggestions. There are a few things I'd like to fix that have been mentioned here, the area with the DMR and some connections in dark room to name a few. I'll have to invite you to some games once I get around to actually figuring out how to make this thing.

    *Providing I can bring myself to do it, a process which might take months, or may never happen. I'm using the word 'inevitable' VERY loosely

    Thanks, Eightball, it means a lot! I remember looking at your Reach designed when I was still on that game and being amazed and trying to steal just enough from them to not be a horrible horrible person. :p
    #16 Audienceofone, Aug 6, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2013

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