Hello everyone I am in dire need of a good ship forger on Halo Reach. The ship I need forger is the UNSC Iroquois. This is a destroyer class of ship which means it needs working guns such as a 1 MAC cannon (Scorpion tank) 2 or more archer missile pods(Rocket Hogs). This may seam like a tall order but if its a amazing ship i need i know someone out there can do it if you need to contact me my GT is Cmdr J Keyes. This is very important to me (Its me favorite ship BTW). Thank you for reading and hopefully I get a response.
Moved to Forge Discussion. There was once a member that was quite good at making aesthetic models of UNSC aircrafts, but he isn't too active anymore. You may be able to find what you're looking for here, though. Good luck finding somebody, man!
Not the same thing but you should check out my map CCS Silent Barbarian if you want a good Covy Cruiser. Go check it out. >>>>>>>>CCS Silent Barbarian<<<<<<<<<<<