Hey guys, I couldn't hold this one in (that's what she said...). Mr. Audi and I, with a bit of help from Blaze, have been slaving away at getting this layout done and ready for testing and I wanted you all to get a glimpse at what this wonder might be. What we have here is an urban themed 2v2. Not much else to explain yet, really, but if anyone would like to help, feel free to message either one of us. Weapons (not totally tested) Railgun Sticky Detonator Plasma Grenades 2 Carbines 2 BR's 2 Asshat Rifles Screens:
Behemoth, what happened to your Brace Large boycott? Haha. Never knew this existed, I look forward to trying it out!
I just needed a break from them. Then Audi reminded me how much they really mean to me. We should get a 2v2 lobby going to test the sh*t out of some of these.
2v2? Really? This looks big enough for a 4v4, or at least, segmented enough to allow safe spawning for 4v4's. Looks slick and clean guys. Throw some color and more rocks in there though!
Its still in an early stage, so color will come. As for it being large enough for a 4v4, I might have to test that theory at some point depending on how the 2v2 tests go. I doubt it will work well, but I'm interested now.