Just keep doing your thing for now until we refine those. oVR didn't talk to any of us about it beforehand and we're in talks now that we are aware of the change. However, with the forums merged now, i do think keeping TCOJ stuff in a minimum amount of threads and just updating as the weeks go on is best. It will just keep the forum cleaner. before I don't think anyone cared. The Customs forum was the TCOJ forum.
Looks pretty good. Also, I've been busy with 1v1 stuff for HC, so I might not make it to this tonight. Don't hesitate to go without me. Sorry.
Where am I support to leave feedback for Dinosaur? Lol Put a preview thread together and show that beauty off, the "criscross" center area lends its self great to flanking and fluid movement and flow. Looking forward to playing it more!
Oh I haven't done one! Might do though. Thanks for keeping posting feedback in all the threads and for always showing up- you da man