description: This map was created in about 5 hours and is suited for big team and normal slayer gametypes in which the gameplay consists of mid to long range engagements . Also included on the map are two ghosts and two warthogs (default) . hope you enjoy this map and feed back is much appreciated . overview: pics: "Edit Post"
Can you add a map overview? It would make a difference to the post and allow us to see where and how players might move around and where weapons are. You just need to advertise the map better- Zandril is right about the 5 hours thing- many maps on here are the product of weeks of work forging and testing. Presumably this is meant for bigger teams so it's openness might be less of a factor there.
i understand that maybe this was not my finest work , but i would appreciate it if you would be more understanding in the fact that i am still relatively new to forge hub , in which I am still trying to learn the ropes . Hopefully in the future i will be able to learn from my mistakes and make better maps .
The larger structures actually look pretty good, it's just that the way the map is designed will probably cause players to camp inside and on upper levels because they seem to be powerful spots.