Hi! A while ago, I posted a preview of a map I was working on, called "Far from Eden". The map was built on the Ravine forge canvas and was mostly oriented on smaller lobby sizes, due to its smaller scale and more concentrated, vertical design. When I learned about Forge Island, I decided to rebuild it on that canvas so I wouldn't have to bother about building the bottom floor myself like I had to on Ravine. Also, there has been a Matchmaking update for Flood lately where the "Hivemind" gametype was implemented, which for the first time features Assault Rifles and Magnums off spawn rather than the usual Shotgun-Magnum combo, while you can gather more ammunition or even several new weapons by searching the area for any weapon ordnance. Initially, I intended on making this map work with Shotgun gametypes because of its small size. However, ever since I started re-designing and building this map on Forge Island, I've been trying to keep in mind how things would work out with both Shotgun gametypes or with Hivemind. Although Hivemind has now become my main focal point, I will still try to keep that fast paced gameplay that people always seem to enjoy in Shotties variants. The map is almost finished and ready for testing at this point. You might see some unfinished nooks and crannies in the pictures, but nothing too major. But enough talk, let's take a look at those screenies!
Love the bit with the sandbags and the wires. I love themed maps and I really like this map's theme. It's like a market or Favela from COD.
Haha a lot of people have been saying that! Pretty much everyone that I already showed the map. The map takes place in a village somewhere in a warzone (probably somewhere in the Middle East), but a Favela could've worked too. That's what I initially wanted to make the theme, but on Forge Island this worked out better. Besides, I'm already making a Linear map in a Favela
Here are some more pictures, to show a few more alleyways on the map and also some to get a better look at the map as a whole.