Download map Download Joust Game variant I got the idea for the Jousting Arena from a video I saw (maybe a Bungie Fav) where a plasma grenade was thrown onto the man cannon and it flew to the other side, hit a bubble shield and flew back (probably on Yotube, it was a while ago). Then my Halo 3 disc stopped working, sent it away for replacement, 2 and half months later and the first map I make in Forge is... this one. Of course, I can't have a permanent bubble shield so I added grav lifts on the platform at the front. They are close enough to throw things up into the firing line of the man cannons, so when you jump on a man cannon, in theory you will continue going back and forth until the grav lifts are destroyed. With the default weapon as a grav hammer, it is possible but timing is very important as they are set to instant respawn. Weapons, each team is given 2 swords, a turret (instant respawn), a brute shot and a spare grav hammer (also the starting weapon). Mostly melee weapons as jousting is more of a melee sport. The turret, thats there to make things a bit more interesting. The brute shot, best used when you're the passenger on a mongoose, the sword and hammer don't work too well for that role. Each team is given 2 mongooses. Originally, the idea was to have 4 players on each team, 2 on each mongoose. However I've added more weapons and equipment to allow bigger teams and to allow players other methods of killing. Moving onto equipment, which can be found at the back of each base. You will find a bubble shield, stop incoming grenades; trip mine, stop incoming mongooses; power drainer, it just looks cool when it flies through the air. -- The gametype (Joust) is KoTH with slayer rules, a suggestion I found on this site (thank you). Whilst inside the designation man cannon area (the hill) you will have gravity: 75%, speed: 110% and scoring will be normal. However, get over the teleporter fence and you will have 200% gravity, speed drops to 25% and your team loses 3 points every second. The teleporters clear mark the allowed area, go through them and get chucked off the edge and you die. A Jousting game lasts for 3 rounds. Score as many points in each round to win. There are three rounds to allow the entire map to reset and to get rid of any campers who may have snuck over to your base. Each round can be as long as you like, it doesn't matter but I suggest 2 or 3 minutes. Happy Jousting.
I have seen many maps like this. What makes this one better than the others because the other ones weren't the greatest.
There isn't any...this was done on the first week on halo, and from what I can tell, this is exactly the same.
Well from the pictures it appears it isnt too cluttered and it focuses on the mongeese and the continuous cycle created by the grav. lifts. With that said, I have seen it done before and it is a no go.
looks like a fun mini game, but its hard to see cause of your tiny images. to make the images bigger: go to the site where your image is hosted, right click, choose open image in new window, copy the url of that window, then put in your post like this: [img.]put the url here[/img.] (without the periods)
You could click the pictures, yes, but some of us (read:me) are remarkably lazy and would prefer to not click fifteen pictures. But I'm RULL lazy. =P The map itself appears well done, but unoriginal. Try applying your talent to an area that isn't explored.
The small images: I'm a frequent poster on, we take into consideration bandwidths and download stuff (like you can only have 1 imagein your sig and that can only be a up to a certain size). Plus those images are very big, it just makes the post look a bit neater. Anyway, thanks for the comments and I will experiment with other variants (probably ones you don't have download extra game types for)