Armour Ability Ideas

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by StolenMadWolf, Apr 29, 2013.

  1. StolenMadWolf

    StolenMadWolf Promethean

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    This thread is for putting down your suggestions for new armour abilities in any new Halo Content:

    My suggestions:

    Defence: These abilities protect you and your teammates. These would include buffed up versions of armor lock, drop shield and hardlight shield.
    Mobility: These abilities allow you to get to hard to reach locations and gain combat advantage. These include the Jet Pqk, a slightly buffed thruster pqck and he Jump Pack, which allows you to jump further vertically.
    Support: Abilities that allow you to play a support role. These would include autosentry, regentive shieldand some form of flare from H3.
    Deception: Abilities that confuse your enemies. Active Camo and Hologram would be available. Active Camo would lose its radar disrupting abilities and be replaced by Distruptor: Which allows you to affect enemy radar and hud.
    Vision: Promethian Vision to see through walls. Heat Vision to see where plqyera have been recently and VISR from ODST for better target acquiation.
    Offence: EMP to break shields and Concussive Shot to knock enemies back.
    Special: Hacker can prevent an armour ability from working when in use, however has a very long charge up time. Tracker allows players to travk a particualr target and gain info about them.

    Feel free to post your own suggestions.
    #1 StolenMadWolf, Apr 29, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2013
  2. SilentA98

    SilentA98 Promethean
    Senior Member

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    No. Just no. We don't need a buffed up armor lock, thanks.
    Jetpack is broken as is. Jump pack would be better but there's still the problem of it breaking maps and ruining anything jumping related. Wanna know why we don't have any maps with Epitaph level of jumping? Jetpack.
    This is alright. I don't mind autosentry or Flare, although they'd both be better as map pickups.
    Camo would lose the only thing that keeps it remotely balanced on small maps? Ok then. Disruptor is an interesting idea. I'd be all for that replacing Camo in AA and having camo get placed on map again.
    Heat vision is interesting, Promethean vision needs to die in hell. After using that for the first time yesterday, I've come to the conclusion (after one match) that if there was anything more broken than that, it would have to be infinite armor lock that you can walk around in.
    Concussive shot I like, that's interesting and would be helpful with jumping (if it affects you too). EMP, no, because we don't need ANOTHER anti vehicle loadout option.
    Hacker would be broken. Tracker would be worthless as we have visual info about people already.

    At least 3 playlists from the games start without any of these. Sorry, but I hate AA.
  3. Zandril

    Zandril Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Perhaps an AA that is similar to the autosentry. But instead of dealing damage, its shots blind the enemy. Kind of like a flashbang.

    Although I don't know if that's gonna be overpowered or not.
  4. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    More armor abilities? Cut the ****, they shouldn't even have been in 4. Take these ideas over to Treyarch where they embrace game breaking, anti-competitive garbage.
  5. StolenMadWolf

    StolenMadWolf Promethean

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    Despite this being a thread intended for suggestions not rages. I will respect your opinion. But feel free to discuss your argument in the other thread (rather than this one):
  6. pop

    pop Promethean

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    turd vision
  7. Zemmiphobiac

    Zemmiphobiac Promethean

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    I think maybe an ability that would let you break out of assassinations would be cool. Maybe not an Armor Ability but possibly a perk of some sort. Another idea is instead of the turret it would be cool to possibly have a small pulse mine that you could set down that would take out enemies shields or disable vehicles but only lasted for a limited amount of time and like the turret takes a couple seconds to deploy. I think armor abilities can be useful in casual play but should be left out of competitive gametypes except for possibly in map drops.
  8. FreeFormJazz

    FreeFormJazz Forerunner

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    Hey I have an idea, how about NO ARMOR ABILITIES. Like, seriously. This is Halo(at least I think it still is)
  9. Pfeuff

    Pfeuff Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    It may be difficult for AAs to find their place in Halo, but I'm not ready to give up hope on them just yet. I mostly agree that, in their current state, they don't belong in competitive arena-style gameplay, but I'm confident that they can work in variants with large teams (5v5/6v6/8v8). At any rate, this is how I would implement them.

    Add an option for either recharge, or one-time-use for AAs in gametype settingsThis is pretty much self explanatory.

    2. Colour coding (a visual indicator)
    Apply traits with forced armour colours, which affect players when equipped.
    This will tell you exactly what your opponent has, which will then allow for a strategy to be used when dealing with them.

    Example: (Use secondary colours)
    Active Camouflage - White
    Regeneration Field - Green
    Hardlight Shield - Cyan
    Thruster Pack - Yellow
    Promethean Vision - Orange
    Hologram - Violet
    Autosentry - Grey/Silver
    Jetpack - Black

    3. Another interesting idea I came up with is the use of player traits, such as Armour Mods (aka Tactical Packages/Support Upgrades or "perks"), applied to AAs that affect players when equipped, as well as "Bro traits" (trait zones) that effect other players (teammates) within close proximity.

    Call me crazy, but I can see this being used to create unique class-based gametypes (and yes, I do believe any variants with large teams should use classes). This will force players to choose their loadouts carefully & pick what's most suitable for their style of gameplay, but more importantly... allow them to work better as a team.

    The great thing about all this is, with the right tools and knowledge at our disposal, these ideas can be implemented into the game right now... and hopefully soon, I will have proof to show it (though I won't make any promises just in case, so don't get your hopes up yet).

    I don't expect everyone to agree with my point of view on this...
    but if they are going to work, this is how I believe it should be done.
    #9 Pfeuff, Jul 30, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2013

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