Hey everyone! So I've been trying to think of ways to help out you forgers and focus on bringing more attention to your forge maps. While we're still discussing some bigger things, I figured I might as well open up a little gameplay capture shop for you guys in the meantime. So if you don't think pictures do your map justice and want to show off how it plays, I'd be happy to help. How it Works Have the gameplay video that you'd like captured on your fileshare. Reply to this thread with a link to that video. I'll capture the video from your POV (No fancy edits, just gameplay). I'll message you with a link to Youtube once it's uploaded. And that's it! I won't guarantee a specific time period to have each request finished (because I am busy sometimes ), but I'll be sure to do get these pushed out as soon as I can. For an example of how your video will look, here's a game I just uploaded for oVR: Spoiler
My first notification apearence! You may want to turn off your noifications when recording... ;p This is pretty nce of you, Daxxon. You have tempted me to hire your service. I'l talk to you on Live about it, for I am on my sexbox and cannot link.
Just felt like giving you some time in the spotlight, baby moth But yea, it was late, I forgot. I'll make a note to turn em off in the future.
How many gameplay vids can we send you? One at a time? Do you also offer capturing the flythrough of a map or just gameplay?
One at a time would be best. Once I get your request uploaded then feel free to request another and I'll put it on the list! And at the moment I'll only be focusing on gameplay videos, but flythroughs are definitely something to be considered down the road.
It's nice that you are doing this. One suggestion, I'd make sure your notifications are off when you record other peoples gameplays.
Hi Dax . . . I was wondering if you might be able to capture a map flythrough film? The clip is here: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/...&details=c53e78bb-10a3-4b0f-a920-3322c951afcb I think it's really cool of you to offer doing this, and if you end up not having time, no worries. Thank you in advance!
Problem is, I suck at Halo so while showing off my map I might be embarrassing myself at the same time.
This is great! I love using videos for either map previews or finished map threads, since it gives potential downloading people a great view on what the map actually plays like. Loscocco has been da man when it comes to capturing stuff for me, but he's very busy all the time and sometimes I feel like a such a pain in the *** for eating up even more of his time with yet another capture request. That's why I'd love to contact you every now and then to capture me some stuff too. Don't worry, it won't become a weekly thing We should play some custom games together some time too, man. It's a miracle we haven't even met yet.
For Behemoth: @REMkings, sure thing man. Are we friends on live or no? If not, send me a request and we'll have to play sometime.
Nope, I don't think we are. My friends list is always full but I'll remove someone. I've quite of people that don't even play Halo 4 anymore anyway.