Blok Asymetrical, 8-12 Players, Plays all slayer-based & objective gametypes well and even plays dominion, but it runs like territories, Plus has a bit of a Headlong/The Pit Feel! Check out the update here Download Here Download Here Thanks to all who download, test, and give comments and feedback If you would like to be apart of any play throughs leave a comment with your GT, Thanks!
Sorry if this comes across as rude, but why would you post the map before you tested it? As fragmented as the forge community is nowadays, wouldnt you want your release version to be the final version after testing in order to prevent people from needing to download the map repeatedly to get the most up to date version?
In the future, if you are in the process of testing a map still, you may find yourself receiving more feedback if you post a map preview thread in the Forge Discussion Forum. Personally, I tend provide feedback there more frequently, since people are more likely to accept feedback at that stage of the process. There are a few things I like about this map, and there are a few areas where I'm going to suggest some changes. Things I wouldn't change: Good use of elevation - You have multiple elevations, which is good because it creates more interesting gameplay than when all the battles take place on the same elevation, and because it helps break up lines of sight across the map. Stuctural Cover - You've generally done a good job of using the structure of the map as cover, making the cover look and feel natural. Scaling - This map is designed so that the majority of the battles will be medium range (which is really the sweet spot for this game), while also mixing in some areas that will feature close quarters and long distance battles. Things I would consider changing, or at least keep in mind for future projects: Long, flat lines of sight - Look at the left side of your second to last pic. Lines of sight like these should be broken up so that players feel more free to move around the map. You can break them up by replacing the straight line with angles, or by changing the elevation at some point so that players can't see from end to end. More connections around the exterior - As it is, the 2 levels around the exterior of the map are largely disconnected from each other. I would suggest adding 1 or 2 addition routes to the upper level from the outer ring. Weapon positioning - It's generally not a good idea to place power weapons at power positions. Players will naturally gravitate towards power positions whether there are any weapons there or not. Putting power weapons in power positions makes it quite likely that they will become overpowered positions. Put your power weapons in areas that players are less likely to move towards. This will create an interesting dynamic where the team that's in control of power positions has to choose between maintaining their advantageous positioning and letting their opponents get the power weapons, or giving up the power positions to contest for the power weapons. Overall, I feel like the middle is by far the best part of the map (and I actually like it quite a bit), featuring multiple elevations, good scaling, and natural feeling connections, while the exterior portions of the map generally feel less polished and have less depth.
Links are now up to date with current version! -colored blocks -light and ATM aesthetics -fixed spawning issue
If you added some side rooms off the center of the three long walls on the borders, it would give the map a little more complexity and give players somewhere to escape where they couldn't get sniped. It would also feel alot less square which is a good thing.
Every time I see a map like this with true potential I die a bit for all the grey that 343 put into the Forge Island pieces. There are no dark sides of pieces, so there's no way to build "floor" aesthetics. That sometimes makes it nearly impossible to see how things flow with just screenshots. That being said I can still see a solid map in the making. 8-12 players is far too big for my personal tastes, but I like where this is heading.
The grey bothers me to, to help in the current version I've colored some of the blocks to make them pop