
Discussion in 'Halo 4 Archive' started by Beercules, Jul 13, 2013.

  1. Beercules

    Beercules Promethean

    Likes Received:
    MERCY Created by Beercules

    A symmetrical map that pays homage to Reflection from Halo Reach with a 3 floored tower including the infamous balcony. While it does include that throwback, the rest of the map includes original designs by myself, and is to fulfill its competitive purpose as well as to look pleasing to the eye. The map is in my file share but its objective placements and spawns are nowhere near completion, so any help is greatly appreciated. Enjoy. :D

    VIEW 1: [​IMG]
    VIEW 2: [​IMG]
    VIEW 3: [​IMG]
    VIEW 4: [​IMG]
    VIEW 5: [​IMG]

    I'm a designer at heart so any feedback is greatly appreciated as I am a noob to Forge-hub posting (not to Forge-hub itself, I love seeing what you Aesthetic guys create, truly amazing stuff) :)
    #1 Beercules, Jul 13, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 13, 2013
  2. K a n t a l o p e

    K a n t a l o p e Promethean
    Senior Member

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    The stuff going on in "VIEW 5:" should be fixed in my opinion.
  3. Beercules

    Beercules Promethean

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    Yeah I uploaded the wrong image, shall get round to that as soon as possible :)
  4. SilentA98

    SilentA98 Promethean
    Senior Member

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    Interesting enough aesthetics. I don't think the green is entirely needed but it's not bad. I think an overview would be good howevever, as it's hard to get much of the layout of the map.

    One thing I'd like to ask is, what reason does a player have to not sit in the base? They seem a bit campable IMO, given that the only real entrace is to the back. There are tac jumps I can see beside the shield door, but other than that... Doesn't seem like it'd be very hard to hold the base if you had two people, so I'd consider removing the shield door and possibly replacing it with some cover Crenelations. They'd offer cover, but you could still grenade the players inside.

    Shield doors tend to be all around bad for gameplay. They generally promote camping and jumping in and out to take pot shots at other players (only to retreat to impenetrable safety.)

    Anyway, other than that it looks alright. I'll give a bit more feedback at a later date, I think.
  5. Ethan McCary

    Ethan McCary Promethean

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    Good sight lines, curious about the weapon set?
  6. Beercules

    Beercules Promethean

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    Thanks for the feedback! Yeah I always wondered what I could place there instead of those pesky shields... I'm not a fan myself but I couldn't seem to find anything else that fit. That being said I will take a look into the crenelations. Thanks again :)
  7. Beercules

    Beercules Promethean

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    Shotgun (UNSC) 120 secs
    Railgun 120 secs
    Sniper Rifle (UNSC) 100 secs.

    Thanks for looking!
  8. Zandril

    Zandril Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    If I were you, I'd get those shield doors out. Or have you done that already?

    Could you also post an overview picture with the weapons, spawns, etc marked? You can use THIS to help you in making the overview pic.
  9. Beercules

    Beercules Promethean

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    I'm in the works (literally I'm on Halo 4 now) and yes, the shield doors are gone forever. I'm working on that as well, with the main routes noted as well as weapons. I've never been good at spawn placement on Halo so help is appreciated :)

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