This is my first map post on forge hub. If you see anything I did wrong with my post just tell me. This is not a official MLG map. Thanks to XxNapalm FuryxX for helping me straighten the map. _-_-_Download_-_-_ _-_-_Weapons_-_-_ 6x Battle Rifles- Default Spare 2x Carbines- Default Spare 1x Plasma Pistol 1x Mauler- Default Spare 1x Rockets- No spares because small map 1x Sniper- Default Spares _-_-_Equipment_-_-_ 6x Frag Grenade 6x Plasma Grenade 1x Overshield 1x Active Camo 1x Custom Power up- 5-10 seconds of invulnerability and faster speed. _-_-_Gametypes_-_-_ BR Azure- TS Azure Ball- FFA Azure ball- Multi Flag Azure- _-_-_Pictures_-_-_ _-_-_Top left/right view of base B._-_-_ _-_-_Front View of base B._-_-_ _-_-_Top full view of base A._-_-_ _-_-_Top front view of base C/3._-_-_ _-_-_Top mid view_-_-_ _-_-_View of center_-_-_ _-_-_Behind/below snipe tower_-_-_ _-_-_BR Tower_-_-_
Some of thoughs parts in there that are interlocked are awesome, but it looks a littlw cluttered and might cause a lot of camping.
When you play the map you will see it will not be cluttered. I agree it is cluttered sorta but I put the overshield and active camo where it is cluttered.
Its a change from most MLG maps. Good interlocking all around, but looks too enclosed in most places to have that true MLG feel
from the pics it looks like u have some pretty nice interlocking skills and u have my DL ill comment back after i play it
try lowering soem of the walls to where you can just barely see a persons a head or a player has to duck to cover.
k i just played it let me tell u what i thought... nice interlocking, things seemed pretty even not too much 2 affect anything, weapons placment r good, spawns r good but i found it really easy to break out of lol i did it in the first minute of playing but overall this is a nice competitive map 4/5 keep up the good work
I would tell you to give me the place where you got out through pm or post but my halo 3 disk broke. Thanks for the feedback. I am going to make a remake probabily when I get my disk back. My remake I hope is going to be better in interlocking and look nicer.
I only named it after myself because I wanted to no one to take my map like usual. Plus this is my first good interlocking map. Plus, it was the only name I could think of for the map =).
Looks alright I don't download many maps though but great job kinda small looking... small LOOKING, not saying it IS small.
This is very cluttered and could be cleaned up a lot. You should block off some areas that will clearly not be used, such as the bottom area in the first pic. The layout is very random and doesn't seem to have any overall structure or feel to it. I'm also having doubts about having three powerups on the map, it'd be way too chaotic for MLG gameplay. There aren't any recognizable places, and I doubt there would be any real BR battles, as it looks like a giant maze in which you can run away and throw nades at your feet.
This has a lot of good interlocking which is always a plus But it does look a little cluttered for an mlg map, but the gameplay still looks very balanced an fun * * * *