Infernal Gamertag: Chronmeister Optimal Player Count: 6-8 Supported Gametypes: Slayer, KOTH, CTF Ordnance: Railgun, Sticky Detonator, Needler x2 Purple Tower Blue Base (rear) Blue Base (view out from corner) Tunnel Entrance (Blue) Yellow Platform Tunnel Entrance (red) Purple Tunnel Red Base (Main Entrance) Red Base (rear) Yellow Tunnel Download it here.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Let me know how you like the map. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
This looks very nice! Can't believe I haven't tested this with you?!?! This week's TCOJ lobby perhaps?
Looked pretty good to me from our earlier game today. Only issue as I stated in game was the kill barrier by green. Outside of that game-play did seem a bit hectic but that just may have been due to the unbalance between teams. Looking forward to playing more of this.
Yes I will definitely be testing this one this week. I will probably do one match of Unity on it with no sprint. I haven't really tested KOTH yet so I think that would probobly be another good one. So far I can tell you that this map works great for 2v2 Infinity and also great for 4v4 Unity. It is too cramped for 4v4 Infinity though. I think that KOTH will still play fine with 8, but I guess we will see. See you Teusday.
At first glance, this is a big improvement over your previous maps. There are a few things that stand out to me which won't suddenly make this map 100 times better, but which are good fundamentals to stick to when forging... First, the ramp in your sixth pic - It's generally a good idea to allow 2 units at each end of ramp so that players don't need to change direction immediately after walking up/down the ramp. You only have 1 unit at the bottom of this ramp. You could easily have your ramp begin at the right edge of the one 3X3 block, and meet up with the left edge of the higher 3X3 block. The blocks between there are not really necessary. The crate in that corner doesn't appear to serve any purpose either... The 1X1 Tall and Thins in your first pic - They are not necessary, and will probably hinder gameplay more than they help it. Cover should not be in the middle of a pathway. It hinders the flow. Generally speaking, cover should not be used to affect battles within a given space (that platform/walkway, for example) but rather should be used to affect battles between 2 different areas. If 2 players meet on that same platform, it's perfectly okay if they have a 1 on 1 battle without pillars breaking up the line of sight between them. If you want to break up the lines of sight between that platform and some of the other structures of the map, you can do so by positioning those pillars on the outside edges of the platform/walkway so that they don't negatively impact the flow through that area. Finally - This is purely speculation on my part, so take it with a grain of salt. You've built good solid structures around the perimeter of the map, but the middle of the map looks relatively open in comparison. Beware of the doughnut syndrome, where all of the movement occurs around the exterior of the map, while the interior goes essentially unused. If you notice this happening, then I would try to add some more substantial structure in the middle of the map. Not cover, but structure. I'm happy to see some real growth in your work.
Thank you for the great suggestions. I have already addressed all your issues with the new build and I will be refining it further tonight. I have recieved some great help from Squally and I think I may have something for everyone here but I still have a little more work to do. I will update this when I finish, but until then, this will be the version in my fileshare. Thanks Again dude! I feel like I have learned so much in the past few weeks
We played a couple very fun game on tuesday night chronmeister! By far your best map yet- in fact everytime you produce something it is far better than the previous map. I dunno if it was cos we were playing that classic Unity gametype or what but it has a very classic halo feel to it. Perfect for FFA it seems- although it is open, the paths you must take seem to break LOS more than mere object use does- so that there are certain converging spots that give bigger LOS over areas. I would love to play a few more games on this please- i reccomend testing this another 3-4 weeks to refine it cos it's worth it. Two thing bothered me however- one was your use of an upside-down golf cup, occasionally this item is glitched and it has an invisible barrier somewhere in the middle that can block anything you throw at it. The other was what Schnitzel pointed out- the 4x4 tower block needs to be hard-killed so that sneaky jet-packers can't abuse it. yup, moar please.
Here's a demonstration of what can sometimes happen with the tin cups. Unfortunately, they should be avoided at all cost due to this glitch. If you have any more natural pieces available, you can replace them with rocks. Otherwise I don't really have a good suggestion.
I have to move a set of crates and add two walls to blue, but everything else is done and in my fileshare. I cant wait to hear how you like the changes. It looks very different from teusday. No more tin cups, redesigned yellow and red and did alot to the flooring. I will update the post with new pics tonight but for now if u wanna see I already uploaded it.
This map played will during TCOJ, I still haven't got a grasp of it though. What i am sure of is that the map encourages great teamwork and flows very well. Other than that i still can't figure out much. Being a smaller map forger, I cant help but wish it looked cleaner, and I often found myself lost, though the latter may simply be because I was unfamiliar with the map. I'd need to play a few more times to get a grasp on this map. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it was somewhat a confusing area on my first game. I hope to play it again and if I come up with something new, I'll drop by and let you know.
Played Tuesday Night 7/16/13 at TCOJ Testing Lobby. Agreed, this map looks like your best yet. I particularly enjoyed your blend of rocks and blocks, they seemed to come together naturely. The bottom Purple area looked unique and was fun to get into confrontations down there. I also like the top mid yellow, with the raised exposed platform around the column, I just enjoy that mechanic. Looking forward to testing other gametypes.
If you test this Teusday, I will be playing another match so you can get a better feel for it. What areas do you think need cleaning up?
I remember playing on this map during one of the FCCGNs. This is truly a very fun map to play on. In the game we played, the map flowed quite nicely. I love how you were able to transform this map to what it is now by taking in all the feedback you can and using them to improve upon the map. Fantastic map, Chron. I hope to play on this again soon.
Sorry, I couldn't make it. I might just give it a DL and walk around to find those spots and better feedback for you. If I don't get to it, I'll try to make the next TCOJ. I got super busy working with some Halo Customs things a for a while before this week's games and just couldn't stay on to play with you guys. Either way, I'll try to get you some more specified information in the coming days.
I didnt make it either. I broke my leg at work teusday. Good news is I will have a ton of time to forge and test after surgery.
ill be back to testing today. I feel like a ****ing prisoner in this hospital. . I hate doctors. Anyway, I think this map is done and looks as good as it can. I can't wait to test it some more. Do your testing groups always have to include like fourteen people though? It's hard to get a good test for a 4v4 with such a large group.
The FCCGNs have been blowing up recently. But there are still some times when we don't have that many people.
I'm trying to find out how you guys like this map. Please vote in on the poll and let me know what you think.