Edit 3, the end of the trilogy: So, after a lot of complaints about the middle hole, and more than a fair share of raised eyebrows at the presence of a banshee on the map, I decided to take a step away from what I thought was cool and moved to what people were pretty much asking for. As a result, the middle hole surrounding the rock is now gone, and the weapons have been changed to accommodate the loss of the banshee. New pics: Outdated pics: Spoiler Action shots as well: Spoiler The weapons are now (As of edit 3): 4 BR 2 Shotgun (0 spare clips) 1 Plasma Pistol 1 Fuel Rod Gun 1 Energy Sword 1 Overshield Now, I've reached a point that I am satisfied with the state of the map, and am just waiting for a video to accompany the map post (am working on that). That said, I will provide a download link below, for those interested in the map, it is likely that this will be the last iteration of it unless someone finds a major problem with the map like loss of framerate. Download Broken Wings - Halo Waypoint
I love those pillars! I think it would be interesting to have them incorporated around the outside of the map as well, it feels rather open and I think they would help reduce the power of the banshee a little bit (forcing it to maneuver more). Plus it would tie in the pillar at the banshee pad in with the rest of the map.
I dunno why, but for some reason this reminds me of The Cauldron from Spartan Ops. Not sure if that's the exact name, but it sorta has a fiery theme to it.
Updated all pictures, added the outer pillars which were going to be further out and just aesthetic, but moved in closer to provide more obstacles for the banshee Also made misc. other small changes. Am working to get all gametypes functioning on the map currently. Will probably put a dl link once that is done, then start the testing.
What's the purpose behind the 1x1 flats or w/e they are floating out there a ways? Very cool design, simple but complex in the right ways.
Yes, the 1x1's mark the edges of a soft kill barrier, its plenty space for the banshee to fly around without going between any pillars. I felt it was a little unwelcoming to not know just how far out you were allowed to go.
I remember you telling me about this map, from your description it sounded like a ***** to make. Would love to test it out with you soon
The over-view picture of this map looks sick! You should probably make that the first picture on the post (It'll attract more people if it's the first they see). I also really like the architecture behind those sexy pillars! My only other comment is that the map seems pretty exposed (Banshee might be OP); however, I haven't played a game on the map yet, so I can't say for sure. I'll give it a download and check it out in more detail Nice work man, -Hydrolysis
My oh my, this map has some amazing moments on it! Really loved playing it tonight and can't wait to play more of it
Thanks, that test went much better than I expected, especially being a 5v5. That said, it did help me decide to make some weapon changes, along adding a tad more rails where nondual and stained were talking about. I did however, have to cut dominion... oh well, dominion probably wouldnt have played well. Banshee is more than balanced as well, which greatly surprised me. A plasma pistol emp will take a banshee flying over the water all the way down if the pilot isnt an operator. Though if the pilot is skillful they can still pull off a spree. But anyways, I changed both storm rifles to scattershots with 1 spare clip, and I changed the incineration cannon to a ordnance drop, just so people can coordinate better if they are unfamiliar with the map. Edit: After further testing I decided to change the plasma pistol to a railgun. However, if that makes the map feel oversaturated with power weapons, I will just have two plasma pistols
NEW PICTURES! NEW WEAPON LIST! No, seriously, I updated the entire OP with new pics and everything, it is just a few ctf tests away from being done. I will be releasing a parallel version without banshee and altered weapon set named "Clipped Wings" at the same time once the map is done.
New changes have been made, main ones being the removal of Banshee, and the filling in of the central pit. Of course new pictures, and now a download link as well. A full map post is on the way, complete with a video.
Its sad to see the banshee go. Andbi personally think railings wouldve been a fine choice rather than removing the pit all together. But maybebi just feel.this way caude i have played this many many times alr and it seemed to.have played great.eady