DOWNLAD HERE Bump Bungie Thread PLZ Built upon my old map Cover and Go, O reshaped added depth and finished the job. What made a lot of my other maps bad, was the complete lack of scenery like trucks and forklifts, it gives the map a new sense of personality and added awesomeness. Best for competitive matches between 3-4 players and thanks to Sonic John and Shihuru for help testing! Now it is complete and here for you to enjoy! Contains: One Shotgun One Rocket One Sniper One Brute Shot Four Plasma Rifles Two Spikers Two SMGs One Needler Overview Rockets Shotty
dont know where to start, not bash or anything but lack of cover, interlocking not very clean hence right side up boxes, literally falling out of the map. Squierrel Says "Eww"
umm i think u removed the walls to take the pics right?? i hope i am lol.. other than that it looks like it can be a good 1v1 or 2v2 map if u did the spawns good ill DL to check it out. one note if u place those double boxes upside sown and SLIGHTLY interlock them it will give the map a much cleaner look along with eliminating hiccups when u pass from one box to another. just a tip for ur next map
Wombat is right. The title needs to be changed. And another thing I don't understand is if you interlocked other objects, why not interlock everything else?
He said it all. Upside-down interlocked boxes make the best floors. And those interlocked fence walls just looked ugly as crap. And the maps isn't even isolated. Add walls to keep the players in the map. Also, Add a structure or something. You basically took foundry canvas and raised the height.
Don't listen to all those haters, I love bumpy floors makes me fell like I'm off-roading, but not in a vehicle. Good Job.
Uhm i think itll look much better if you interlocked the double boxes on the floor and it looks like you just threw in the fence walls in the middle floating and all the sides look empty. Change it up abit and edit the fence walls to make it clean and some people might ask for some Camping =P
Sorry for being offline, but first don't say it doesn't play good, cos it does.. it may not be a masterpiece but its decent
I'm not gonna put it against you that you didn't interlock the floors, cause it doesn't really matter to me that much, although it would be great if you did. Also, I don't really understand the point of this map. I mean, you can just walk right off of it and once you do that, is there anyway back up? Because I don't see one and it doesn't look like there's anything else of interest on the map besides that one structure.
Can I change this one to :3 ? hopefully you have fixed the spawning spot. In "Cover and Go!", they were all clumped. All my buds did was go down there and grenade/spawn raped the heck out of anythign that came alive ill dl and let you know
The spawn points have been more spread out and I have added lot of stairs to get you back to the top floor. In V2 I'll add walls if people must have them
ok.. again, just like Cover and Go! you have an amazing set up. but you need to seriously fix this thing man. The wall are not needed. heck you could incorporate the bottom floor of foundry, but block off the back rooms, make the fence box have an actual use, add more spawn points, make the fence walls one wall lower so they are level with the boxes, line up those fence walls so it doesn't look like you literally flew em randomly, add more cover (sideways doors are great) ... ill change this one like i did cover and go if i have to. you have an insanely good way of making amazing bottoms, but you gotta work on the rest of it.
are all the walls missing in the pic? if so then the map looks alittle batter.. i would be nice to see this map turned upside down. :-D it would look alot cleaner and not be sobumpy... it doeslack a bit of cover too. keep forging and youll get better tho. if you dont know how to interlock and merge check out forging 101 on this website its very helpful.