Hi Everyone, I'm a brand spanking new forger and currently working on a neat idea for a KotH map. I don't quite understand how the different KotH Scoring Styles under Game Options work. They are "Score One", "Everyone Counts" and "Team Difference". I was hoping someone could explain how each of them works. Thank you.
Score one means that regardless of the amount of teammates in the hill, it gives you points for one person. Everybody counts is the opposite, in that every teammate in the hill is scoring points. Team difference is a variation of everyone counts, where say red team has 3 guys in the hill, and blue has 2; in that situation it scores for 1 player on red team because the diference between the teams in the hill is 1 player, if blue had 0 in the hill then red would be scoring for all 3 players in the hill.