I'll be making this post in the morning so you'll have plenty of time to see it. Today's the day we all play my favorite Halo of the franchise! Idk how many of you guys are participating but if you are, if you wanna play some matchmaking or tell me about a customs lobby, my gamertag is Iv DM4STER vI. I'll be on Halo 3 most of the day so if you wanna hang out send me a message. I'll be glad to remember Halo 3 with some new friends . Also If you're reading this post H3 day but you participated. Lemme know what you did
I agree. I'm excited for future Halos but I don't want it to get milked untill its not fun anymore. Sadly, that might be true.
Its always fun going back to halo 3, I personally went out and bought ODST because in my situation I would have had to pay 10$ regardless just to play all matchmaking (10$ for ODST, or 10$ for the final map pack I didnt have) Wouldnt hurt them to do us all a kindness and make the dlc free by now like halo 2's was after a while.
You should've waited until the 15th when Halo 3 would be released for free. Lot of people are gonna be playing when it is free.
Your info might be mixed up, halo 3 isnt going free on the 15th (or this month at all). AC2 is going free on the 16th.