§ilhouette Hello ForgeHub! I'm back for the second time with a new map called Silhouette (oh really?) This map was born for small FFA lobbies but after some adjustments and a lot of testing I've decided that this map can support Team Double also. It's a totally asymmetric map with a lot of very funny jumps. The initial ordinance drops (0 min. respawn) are: x1 Sticky Detonator x1 Needler x1 Scattershot Then in close proximity to every initial ordinance drop there are 2 casual ordinance drops of the same weapon of the initial drop. This mean that there are 6 casual drops: 2 for the Sticky, 2 for the Needler and 2 for the Scattershot. There's also one more casual drop (with no initial drop near it): a Railgun. Finally for the aesthetic...well as always I've tryed to make a very clean map even when the terrain sucks(I think Ravine and Erosion are the hardest maps to forge on if you want to implement the terrain). Now some pics (look at the lamps under the arcs; they really work!) Enjoy! P.S. I'm hearing at all your feedback! Tell me what you think!
I think the fences are made of the Dominion Base Stripes turned on their side with cables going in between.
Good enough to warrant a download. I won't be able to play it any time soon, but when I do I'll post my thoughts on it.
Update: We've played several games of Gun Game on this map, and frankly it's one of those that needs to be on everyone's list. You always have two or more exits to any firefight, and the good use of the terrain means that the layout never gets stale. It's one of those that's built solely for good gameplay. That being said, aesthetics are simple but effective.
An impressive map when I first saw it, great use of segmentation and well provided power positions. However, I do feel the open side of the map is lacking is some sort of power position. I haven't initially played this yet but I do plan to in the future. For someone I rarely hear of, this truly is a good accomplishment in asymmetrical design. Not perfect but I can see your thought process and see the dedication in your work, great effort and I hope to see your map in the list of FHF. Great job
^this. Nice work on here man, you should be proud of your map. Anyway, It is pretty balanced and really cool to play on the middle areas. The overall intersection between the bases are really well made too. I'm not sure about the weapons yet, I'll wait to see it. Keep on with the good work!
Cool map man, it has some impressive aesthetics and looks as though it fits in with the ravine terrain well. Its nice to see more quality asymmetrical maps being put out there.
Thank you all for the feedback! I love you guys! I will check out all your comment and I'll see how to improve my map. Thank you again!